Some Of The Juveniles I Moved Look To Be In Trouble

We are all waiting on your reports. How are the parents? Do you still have fry?

At this point there is too much going on for me to follow anmore. I'm glad that Tolak is helping. He is level headed and more broadly experienced.

Just remember, this is what most of us go through at one time and another.

We are pulling for you and your fishies.
We are all waiting on your reports. How are the parents? Do you still have fry?

At this point there is too much going on for me to follow anmore. I'm glad that Tolak is helping. He is level headed and more broadly experienced.

Just remember, this is what most of us go through at one time and another.

We are pulling for you and your fishies.

Thank you for the kind words.

As of this morning the 7 juveniles (1 with a shortened caudal fin) and the 3 adults are still alive. With the adults, there gills appear to be redish thru the gill covers when viewed through the cloudy water (due to meds) with a flash light. That is REALLY worrying me. But no one is liying on there side or swimming strangely although the adult males seems quiet. That worries me too; heck, everything worries me. Just call me Chicken Little.

The 5 (?) fry in the 10 gallon are coming along just fine and that's where they'll stay! I'm not taking any chances. There was a stunted 6'th one but it died 2 days ago.

I'm taking one day at a time.
I use twice the amount of prime that it calls for. I was told the same thing by Tolak after I lost a tank full of cory fry. It has been working great. I have not had any tanks turn over like that since...
All I do is add the prime... fill the bucket... stir... pour it in the tank. (after I vac and remove some of coarse... lol)
It has been working great for me. I hope it does for you also. Tolak is great. He has saved my fish several times. He is quite smart when it comes to things like this, and he is always willing to help. He has become a very good friend of mine through all my many mess ups and tragedies...
There are several people on here that have been quite helpful... (I don't want anyone to think I am not grateful for their help also... )

I hope it works out and everything gets right soon. :good:

I would still like to see a pic...
I use twice the amount of prime that it calls for. I was told the same thing by Tolak after I lost a tank full of cory fry. It has been working great. I have not had any tanks turn over like that since...
All I do is add the prime... fill the bucket... stir... pour it in the tank. (after I vac and remove some of coarse... lol)
It has been working great for me. I hope it does for you also. Tolak is great. He has saved my fish several times. He is quite smart when it comes to things like this, and he is always willing to help. He has become a very good friend of mine through all my many mess ups and tragedies...
There are several people on here that have been quite helpful... (I don't want anyone to think I am not grateful for their help also... )

I hope it works out and everything gets right soon. :good:

I would still like to see a pic...

That's what I get for being too aggressive with the water changes AND reading the label.

What would you like to see pictures of? The death and destruction? :p

I'm trying to disturb the Corys in the hospital tank as little as possible. I have the lights in the room turned off as much as possible and I placed an empty 3 ring binder in front of the glass.

I hope this anti bacteria food does the trick. I'm also feeding it to the fish in the 60 gallon. Still concerned with a couple of the platies and their clamped fins, although they look healthy enough and come out to eat. Maybe they're just afraid of the noise from the bubbles. I placed a raw air line (no air stone) into the tank to stir up the water on one side of the tank. Works great but it is noisy. It also looks pretty cool.


Today I noticed that the male with the skinned nose has lost more of his caudal fin. I've stopped with the anti-fungal and started the external anti-bacterial (Melafix) plus the internal ant-bacterial meds.

The female's skin is quite dull and looks a bit milky.

The juveniles look fine. Tomorrow going out again to look for another tank.

One day at a time...
You sound like me when things go wrong. I panick... give them every med in the state... then watch them get worse! I know it is hard to deal with. I have been there. I have a tank that is currently having an issue. I think I cought it in time though.

All you can do is one day at a time. I hope they start to get better soon. It sounds like you really care about them.
My fish are like my kids. I love them. It hurts when one is hurt, sick, or dies. Just know that you are doing all you can.

I was talking about a pic of the big tank... lol
These fish have either fin rot or columnaris in my opinion. In both cases MelaFix is usless at this stage.

They need aggressive medication. First they need a blank slate. You need to run carbon and clear all these additives out. Then API Triple Sulfa or Fungus Cure.

If there are white patches it is columnaris. It may show as a "saddle on the back at the dorsal fin. If it is only ragged shredding fins, then fin rot.

In either case it is bacterial and a triple sulfa medication is appropriate.

Q&A for fin disorders
Hey Sue... I knew you would be back to help. :good:
I almost said that, but I couldn't remember what meds... You know I have to ask every time... lol
As I remember columnaris was my first thought when white patches were mentioned in the beginning. I should stick to my guns. But diagnosis is so hard online, I kinda hate to commit, and the fry were at issue.

If it is columnaris with the white patches, then I would do a full round of treatments with API FungasCure and follow with the full rounds of API TripleSulfa.
Thanks guys.

I just got back in from the fish store with new 'Corydoras Only' tank. 20 gallon long with a 2213 Eheim Classic cannister filter. I put in pea gravel although I was leaning towards white or light brown sand but everyone I spoke with said 'DON'T DO IT'.

I spoke with the manager there about my Corys and he suggested roughly the same thing as you guys (girls/ladies/females/etc.) except to use API E.M. Erythromycin. I've seen all the meds you've suggested but already purchased the EM. I've done a 75% water change on the 2.5 but before I put in the EM I wanted to pass it by you. One problem already is it comes as a powder in 10 gallon size packets (1 packet treats 10 gallons). How am I gonna separate the powder into 4 doses?

Iceegrrl, I'll try to take some pictures of the 60. I've purchased more wood for it but with all this crap going on haven't had a chance to put it in yet.

Thank you all so much and yes, I do really care about my 'kids'.

It is my understanding that API EM is the choice if you can't find the first 2. Actually there are a couple more that come between, but it at least will stop the progress. It is so far along, you may have to do the maximum treatments of the E.M. and follow with another treatment of another antibiotic.

I don't understand the dilema. 2 packages of powder for a 20L times 4 is 8 packages. Is it the 20L you are treating?
It is my understanding that API EM is the choice if you can't find the first 2. Actually there are a couple more that come between, but it at least will stop the progress. It is so far along, you may have to do the maximum treatments of the E.M. and follow with another treatment of another antibiotic.

I don't understand the dilema. 2 packages of powder for a 20L times 4 is 8 packages. Is it the 20L you are treating?

Hm. So should I go out and buy the Triple Sulfa tomorrow or just use the EM?

I am treating the 2.5 gallon tank. 1 packet of EM treats 10 gallons of water so I need 1/4 of that for the 4 treatments recommended.

As an aside I'm trying to figure out how to put the #$%^ Eheim together. The instructions leave a lot to be desired.

I have used a measuring spoon. Put the powder in an approx spoon. Then either get really precise or do what I do and guesstimate.

I just am not comfortable making the choices. I give the information that I have the best I know and let you make the choices. Did you diagnose the desease?

It took me months and months to get around to putting mine together. I have 3 canister filters. One is working--the Ehiem, one is being a pain--the Rena, one--a second Eheim--is waiting for me to decide where to set it up.
Well, the smart one in the family (my wife) managed to figure it out for me. We poured the pouch into a 1/2 teaspoon spoon and it was about that much. Then we poured it into a 1/4 teaspoon spoon but only filled it up about 1/2 to get 1/8 of a teaspoon. We guestimated....

As for the diagnosis we just figured it was fin rot and that possibly the bacteria had gotten resistent to Melafix and Pimafix so we chose another ant biotic. Who was I to argue. They do seem a bit more chipper (except for the adult female) but I want to cry when I see some of their fins or rather lack of fins.

I did get the filter up and running. It's extremely quite but the intake tube, spray bar and their hose connections are crap compared to the Rena. I had the chose between this and the XP2; same price. I have and XP3 and am happy with it, it was easy to set up, easy to clean, the fittings are great, but I was convinced to go Eheim because of its reputation, longevity and better filtering. But you'd think the Germans would spend an extra buck or two on designing better fittings for the spray and intake bars. If I just move the hoses a bit it causes to suction cups to move as well. And the documentation is really meant for someone who's already put it together, more like a reference.

Did your Eheims come with an elbow that was open on one side? I thought it was for the spray bar, to put around the hose so it doesn't kink but when I tried putting it around the hose it almost flattened it. It's part # 4014300. In the set up diagram it doesn't even show this piece being used!

I'm wondering now if I should have bought the 30 gallon instead of the 20 long. It seems so low.

One day at a time...
I've some pictures of the hospital tank.

The male with the fin rot looks a lot better but the female looks listless and this morning I noticed she has a small faint red blotch on her tail. Grrrrrrrrr.



I'm almost half woy through the API E.M. Erythromycin treatment; 2 more days to go. I hope it clears everything up.

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