I did my weekly water change yesterday (40%) in my 60 gal. and when I was finished I noticed that one of my Zebra Danios was dead. I thought maybe I hit him with the Python siphon, but then 5 minutes later I noticed that another Zebra was gasping at the surface and it's gills looked red. I put him into my hospital tank with Pimafix and Melafix. I could see that another Zebra's gills looked red but gave up trying to catch him after about 30 tries. Later that day the Zebra in the hospital tank died.
I tested the water: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, PH ~7.4.
This morning I noticed one of the juvenile C. Napoensis swimming oddly. I moved him into the hospital tank. Then I also noticed that a number of the other juveniles were just hovering in the current. I think (but am not sure) that some of their barbels look a bit shorter than their siblings. I managed to catch one and transfer him as well. He's sitting at the bottom and darting to the surface to gulp air every once and a while. The first one is swimming on his back at the surface. Correction, laying on his back on the bottom.
I purchased some E.M. Erythromycin. Should I dump that into the 60 gal.? Is this bacterial, fungal or what?
I'm extremely worried about this and any advice will be appreciated.
Thank you.
I turned all the lights off and looked at them with a flashlight. The scales on their middle upper body look milky white. I checked in my main tank and on the active ones there are tiny patches of white but not as bad as the really sick one.
Is that fungus?
Second update:
I've just noticed that a couple of the juveniles in that large tank are rubbing themselves on plants.
What a great way to spend my birthday...
I tested the water: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, PH ~7.4.
This morning I noticed one of the juvenile C. Napoensis swimming oddly. I moved him into the hospital tank. Then I also noticed that a number of the other juveniles were just hovering in the current. I think (but am not sure) that some of their barbels look a bit shorter than their siblings. I managed to catch one and transfer him as well. He's sitting at the bottom and darting to the surface to gulp air every once and a while. The first one is swimming on his back at the surface. Correction, laying on his back on the bottom.
I purchased some E.M. Erythromycin. Should I dump that into the 60 gal.? Is this bacterial, fungal or what?
I'm extremely worried about this and any advice will be appreciated.
Thank you.
I turned all the lights off and looked at them with a flashlight. The scales on their middle upper body look milky white. I checked in my main tank and on the active ones there are tiny patches of white but not as bad as the really sick one.
Is that fungus?
Second update:
I've just noticed that a couple of the juveniles in that large tank are rubbing themselves on plants.
What a great way to spend my birthday...