Some Of My Shrimps New Video

Here's some pics of some of my shrimp
ignore the dates on some pics didnt reset the date when batteries went



What species is this one?
They are really nice shrimp, they may not be dyed, I dont know what they are but they are not blue tigers. The blue tigers have blond/orange eyes that reflect the light, there are some tigers that are sort of blue with dark eyes but these are not them, I have a couple of tigers that do have a stripe on their backs but it is very unusual. It would be good to know what exactly these are so that you would know what you can keep them with without getting hybrids. Tiger stripes can vary but they have a distinctive pattern. I have pics somewhere of blue tigers if you want to see them.
If they keep that colour then you have a bargain :good:
What makes me think they are Caridina cf babaulti 'blue' is this picture, but like I say I'm no expert.
Wow! What a bargain you've got there, Sarah. Wish my LFS sell such variety of shrimps and at such good prices. Can't even find the normal tiger shrimps round here :X

I like your shrimps, blue tigers or not :) :)
Yes that is for sure a tiger, I have some like that have a blue tint they are very nice. The name blue tiger usually refers to these types with the orange eyes.
can see the stripes on most of the others now all except the dark brown/black one and yes you can see the eyes on all of them now they have been in the tank a longer time
their eyes coloured up in about a week i suppose it didnt help that they were kept in quite a dark tank in the quarentine part of the LFS

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