Some Of My Aquarium And Fish Photos.

That butterfly tank... ;____; Seriously one of my favorite species and one I've been wanting to keep. I'm so jealous!
Thanks all, the floating plants are just banana lilies and amazon frogbit. The butterfly is quite cool, definitely something worth keeping if you can set up the type of aquarium for it. Personally I feel they're thrown into community tanks that they shouldn't be in. I'm amazed that they don't starve. In my experience of this one they really dim when it comes to food :p
Absolutely adore this! 
I have a pet hate for tanks that are half full, but your scaping more then makes up for this!!
Lovely tank, but I'm surprised nothing has gone for your cherries. My krib snacked on the few that were in the tank when she moved in!
I love the wood! Just beautiful. And your fish are striking. 
All the fish/shrimp are from different incarnations of 3 tanks.

How can you hate half full tanks!? It's like an extra attachment above the surface! Although I have raised the water level significantly, here's some current pics of my current set ups!




And my bumble bee goby tank;
Is that leaves you have in your tank? If not what is it? It looks amazing! And those rocks are real nice too. Great tank again!
There are leaves in both tanks! Those big brown ones in the big tank in the centre, they're getting a bit old so ill replace them with fresh ones soon. They're dried Indian Almond Leaves, come in tan, brown and pink colours but they all turn brown when water logged and breaking down. They look really natural, give a feeding ground for snails and shrimp also they release tannins to give the water that nice (IMO) tea stained look which is quite good for the fish. In the small tank there is just little torn up pieces.
I've red about them before but never actually saw any, fish look really nice. Where did you get them and are they expensive?
I've also red that they lower the PH in your tank too, is this true?
I've bought them from these people:
SUPER CHEAP, great quality and really good sellers, I ordered 30, and due to bad weather the shipping was delayed so they included another 10 to make up for it. I would highly recommend them. AND I'm in Australia and they came through customs no worries. Just check before on the laws, before importing. 

And yes they do lower pH, but it's nothing really drastic, I keep fish that don't mind more acid water, so it's not a problem, and if your fish prefer alkaline water just keep your kH a little higher and you shouldn't have a worry. 
Some of my old Kribensis pair, sitting in the doorway of their nest:

Investigating what I want:
Brilliant tmc, cheers very much. I'll give it a go, although, my PH is already pretty low (6.8) but as long as it doesn't fall under 6.5 my fish will all be ok.
you should enter Tank of the Month and Fish of the Month with some of those shots.
Garyspence84 - I use IAL's in all my tanks and they help keep the fish healthy.  I think I got my last lot from a UK supplier and they were good. Let me know if you want the link?  The link in here looks good too.
Thanks! Just wish I was a bit better with a camera, I have a Cannon G10 that seems pretty good, just don't have a clue on how to use it :p
I'm trying to get a good picture of my Butterfly fish to enter in the next fish of the month. For tank of the month I might have to neaten things up a bit. 

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