Some Of My Animals,


Fish Crazy
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Caerphilly, South Wales
A few of the different animals I keep, pictures of most of my Snails can be found on my website, which is


Red Legged Partridge


Albino Narceus americanus (American Giant Millipede)



Lesser Hedgehog Tenrecs


Scolopendra subspinippes (Vietnamese Giant Centipede)


Amphisbaena munoai
wow interestin love the millipede :good: wot do you feed them ?????

the millipede? different species prefer different foods, N. americanus mainly eat decaying hardwoods (like oak and beech leaves) and rotting hardwood mulch, I use rotting beech tree mulch, they also have cuttlefish bone for calcium, other species of millipede (especially the Giant African Black Millipede) will eat lots of fruit and vegetables as well, and even carrion in the wild.
cool pics, especially the Vietnamese Giant Centipede :0


2nd pic of the hodgeheg get a POTM from me! :good:
very interesting......
the hedgehog is sooo very cute....does he take much work to look after??
do u need a license to have one as a pet??
very interesting......
the hedgehog is sooo very cute....does he take much work to look after??
do u need a license to have one as a pet??

They arent actually Hedgehogs, despite their name, their Tenrecs, they are quite easy to look after, and unlike Hedgehogs (which I also keep) can be kept together, they only get to around 15cm, about the size of a small rat or large hamster, I keep my two in a 4 foot vivarium, they are always heated to around 24-26c as they are from Madagascar though my ones were bred in the UK, their heating isnt really needed at the moment, because its been quite warm here in South Wales recently, they are fed mainly live mealworms, also a chicken and egg mixture, as well as dried cat food, they arent classed as a dangerous or potentially invasive species, so a license isnt needed to keep them here in the UK.

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