Some New Pics

Cheese Specialist said:
The only pic of the female I have managed to get. By the way I am just presuming this is the female, please correct me if I'm wrong!!
Got one of her (?)!!

Here it is...


  • Female_finleyi.jpg
    47.2 KB · Views: 33
Really? I have never noticed!! I only see him/her from the side. (S)he is only about 2.5" long.

I am glad, means s(he) is getting all the nourishment s(he) needs.

I wish I knew the sex!! I think it a female though because of the size of her/his belly.

What do you think?
All ur fish look nice especially the baby angels eating lettuce. FOTM for that one.
55gallondude said:
All ur fish look nice especially the baby angels eating lettuce. FOTM for that one.
Cool! Thanks!

I am glad you think my fish look healthy pufferdude. I think so too, it's as I am fairly new to tropical fish keeping and knew nothing when I started even though I had coldwater fish for ages!! I am always worried that I don't feed them enough but judging by Brucilla's belly size I reckon I am (and they are) alright!!

Wow, your tank looks much more interesing than a FM tank IMO (sorry FM).
Now your camera is obviously inferior...

I love the substrate. how did you get the different sizes in there? Looks like 3 kinds of substrate? plz tell.

What is the leafy plant? is it real? If so details on species and growing plz.
The tank looks very natural and fun IMO!
Get FM to come over w his camera, borrow some high intensity lights and dang u got a winner!!!
also, if you don't mind me adding. perhaps the white cups? could be traded for black pvc, fake logs, real logs? I think the white on White could be improved upon :)
It's a sand/gravel mix for substrate. I have red tiger lilly, java fern and moss in the tank.

I quite like the caves, I don't want anything bold and contrasting as I think it could take over the tank. Also, I put some of them in the other day during an emergency, it basically came down to what plant pots I had around!!

Thanks for the comments people :)
The white is not contrasting, but I find it bold.. that could be the picture though. I have darker stones than you and black pvc under plants looks strangly natural... I'll try to get some shots soon, perhaps that will convince you to hit the HW store for yet ANOTHER project ;p
I have an all sand bottom and my kulhis love it. They burrow in the sand under wood and rocks and all you can see is their little faces poking out. Then they'll come out in the evening (feeding time). I think they're wonderful! :)

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