Some New Pics Of My Fish! :)

changed my tank round a bit and got the assams a new home! Got 3 little clown loach's to keep em company!
My assam set up.
One of my big pictus with a little one.
And my new tank set up after moving things around!


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just a few more pics!
Discus with the bushfish.
Pink tailed characin and the rocket gars.
The geophagus brasiliensis and the rocket gars.


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ye i loved the oscar! Shame it had to go! And ye the plecs nice want another but cant find them anywere. Mite have to make another journey to bas next week!

This really is an interesting variety..... well done

I like the idea of keeping fish together that otherwise would live at opposite ends of the world, i also insist on all my tanks being as close to 'natural' as possible which is impossible considering most of the fish i keep are from totally different environments. Its only by adaptation of the tank and its water how i find conditions in what the fish are happy. I wouldn't even attempt it without the number of stand by tanks i have. I have had a few incidents most at the begining and most within a species, ie. comeing home to find one channa sp. assam in the mouth of another, pleased to say it survived and fully recovered. Got a few more tanks yet to add to my collection and possibly a few breeding programs until im happy tho! I notice the chocolate gouramis in your pic, picked 2 up today from my lfs for £2 each which i was happy with. They are only small about 1.5 inch very nice fish. Got told they were very tempermentle but hopefully they will be fine!

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