Some More Pics


New Member
Nov 9, 2006
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newcastle upon tyne
Hi, Can you please tell me what species the yellow fish is as I have one and it is the most evil fish I have ever known :X
Not sure what it is, possibly a female p.saulosi, or a m. estherae, but definately not a yellow lab, this is what a lab looks like


The second pic is a yellow lab.I`m sure the first pic is m.estherae.
The Orange fish is definately a male Metriaclima Estherae and a very nice example too. :good:
As ferris said the first pic is a Metriaclima Estherae with a lab hongi sticking its head in.

The second is a yellow lab.
what and how many fish do you have in the tank also whats the size of it
only have about 5 fish in at the min as the tank is only 20g not sure of there names i know the sevrum shouldnt be in weit the africans but there is only a little aggression between him and the Metriaclima Estherae. and the lobster. im going to upgrade the tank next year to about 5ft with an external filter. then i can move this tank upstairs and probs move the sev up there with some other mates.
You will have a few problems with a small tank but the 5ft tank should be a really good size you will just have to bear with the aggresion for now im afraid but be warned it could get a lot worse yet.

As far as mbuna go the yellow one (yellow lab) is one of the most peacefull mbuna but your hongi should be boss of the tank when he gets bigger.

You should start looking at what your going to stock in your 5ft tank as it takes a while to get a good stocking list together just as a start in a 5ft tank your looking at about 20-25 fish of 4-6 species and a couple of bristlenose or synodotis cats
ahh nice one i hope to get started in febuary so i hope things atay ok for now if not iv got a small tank for the sev for now on his own. forgot to mention i already have a syno and a candystriped l015 (small)(ish but growing) im totally loving keeping these fish and will be doing as much research as i can for my new selection. would fancy one of the ones you have in your prifile pic!! never seen any of those around here :/
Thats either a melanochromis chipokae or a melanochromis johannii cant quite tell.

The one in my sig is a cynotilapia afre red top chewere its a wild caught fish which is probably why you have not seen it.

A good book to start on your researching is back to nature guide by ad konings.

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