Some Inverts


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Finally saw one of my bark scorps eating! I knew they did, since the crickets always disappear, but they are TERRIBLE at catching them so I've never actually seen one be caught until now. It's yummy, she says.

The tarantula I caught. She got a nice big critter keeper today and has been in her shiny new corkbark hide ever since. She has already spun some silk around the entrance :)

Native scorps I picked up yesterday. Don't have an ID on them and will be turning them loose tomorrow anyway. Just wanted to observe them for a while.

This one is smaller than a dime :wub:
nice pics, thats a big meal for a little guy :) im english how bigs a dime? im guessing small...
The scorp was probably 1 1/2cm tops
It's easier when you are turning over rocks looking for stuff... limited amount of area to search ;)
I saw probably 50 scorpions that day, including some wild barks!
I saw probably 50 scorpions that day, including some wild barks!

Actually, that is so gross. This is the one and only thing that really bothers me about living in TX. Here in England, you could turn rocks over all day and the worse you'd find were maybe a few red ants, over there you could turn over a rock and get really hurt.

I don't know how I am going to train my kid and dog to be careful in the outdoors. We are scheduled to go back to TX probably the end of next year now Dylan is just starting school.

Oh and nice scorps btw, I like them to look at, but not to touch :)
I don't know how I am going to train my kid and dog to be careful in the outdoors.
The kid is easy, just do what my dad did. "There could be rattlesnakes under rocks or in brush piles, and if they bite you your skin will turn black and they might have to amputate your arm or leg!" :lol:
Seriously though, as many rocks as I have turned over the past few days and as few snakes as I have found, I am beginning to wonder what I was so afraid of as a kid. It's ALWAYS a good idea to use caution and be aware of what's out there, but it's no reason not to enjoy yourself, either. There are no deadly scorps here, but some can really hurt, including the barks.

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