Some Interesting Oddballs For My Setup?


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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Can anyone suggest some interesting oddballs for my 180l Juwel Rio 180?

the current set up is:
180L Semi-planted:
1 Epalzeorhynchos bicolor
1 Pimelodus Pictus
1 Clown Panaque
1 Polypterus Senegalus
1 Macrognathus aculeatus
2 Pterophyllum scalare
3 Brachychalcinus orbicularis
What is an ABF? :/

I'm thinking about another senegal, and i'll try and find some sizable pictus' for my current one. :)

Thanks. :good:
ABFs are surface dwellers, they get to about 4" and they are predatory. Have a look in the oddball fish index.


I wouldn't go for another senegal, they can get a bit sniffy with each other and you'll most likely find one grows much faster than the other which isn't too good. Perhaps another 3+ discus tetras, some more pims and a group of congo tetras? If you can get them at large enough sizes, obviously.
The tetras are a bugger to find, ive been looking around for some more for a while.

The pims around me are also way to small (1inch), need to find some more like my current pim's size (5 inches) :nod:

ABF's are very nice fish i must say, i fancy one of them actually.
Anything bottom dwelling? Im looking for a hoover :p
Dwarf giraffe cat? Bout 8" adult size. Although they do hide almost all of the time, they're vey cute. You could probably have a few if there's plenty of hiding places, they can get quite nasty but I've got one and a P. Guttatus living together fine.
Dwarf giraffe cat? Bout 8" adult size. Although they do hide almost all of the time, they're vey cute. You could probably have a few if there's plenty of hiding places, they can get quite nasty but I've got one and a P. Guttatus living together fine.

I'd love having one of those, do you ATM?

Just out of interest, where will the fire eel be going when it gets too big for this tank?
Because if you are getting a 180 in say a couple of months, then you could get a fish that will suit your next tank, cos then they will be bigger in your bigger tank. And if your not planning on getting a bigger tank, then you need to be thinking about rehoming....

Yup, a bog standard macrostoma and a Parauchenoglanis Guttatus, which is similar in body shape but way cooler markings and much more uncommon. Although he's decided he wants to blend in with the macrostoma and has faded some of his spots accordingly....
I dont have a fire eel, I have a peacock spiny eel. I was assured the tank was the appropriate size for this fish.

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