Some Bettas From A Lfs

And now I'm explaining. I wasn't arguing. It's a fact to oppose your wrong statement, should someone else read it and think bacteria only live in sponges.
Did i say that it only grows in the sponge... no. However, the vast majoritory of it does. Other bacteria can grow on the gravel, ornaments and glass. But considering there is no bdcoration apart from a plant, a tiny amount of gravel and not alot of glass at all. I dont think that will provide enough to maintain a healthy eco system, do you? you probably don't but would like to carry on arguing. I Await your reply.:good:
:clap: I submit to your superiority. B-)

Unfortunately wasted a thread. Thought I could use this to post other pics from another LFS next time. Sorry mods.

EDIT: The pride in me must underscore my sarcasm alas lacking wit.
Beautiful boys! I especially like the white plakat male! :drool:

The tubs would be fine for short term. So long as frequent water changes are done, I'm sure they'll be fine. By the fact they're such lovely boys, I doubt they'd be there for long anyway!
Unfortunately Bettas are sold like that almost EVERYWHERE. I think it's rare to find them housed in bigger containers in a store. I've only seen it once where the bettas were in the big tanks.

At least these cubes look nicer then the little plastic cups I see around here. I'm glad that store isn't near would be hard to pass up those beauties!
Unfortunately Bettas are sold like that almost EVERYWHERE. I think it's rare to find them housed in bigger containers in a store. I've only seen it once where the bettas were in the big tanks.

At least these cubes look nicer then the little plastic cups I see around here. I'm glad that store isn't near would be hard to pass up those beauties!
No-one seems to understand that if everyone thinks " oh it's ok, they're kept in tiny boxes or cups everywhere" then nothing will change will it.
I understand that. I was very impressed with my store that has them in the big tanks. That's why I have been placing all my fish orders through them and take my fry to them only. Saying that it is common is not condoning the practice... I am doing my part by shopping at a store who keeps their Bettas in wonderful conditions.

It makes me unbearable sad to see those bettas in little cups. I would still buy my bettas from one of those stores though...At least one of them will have a great home.
Sorry pics are down. Was fiddling with photobucket and deleted them all. Will put them up again soon.

Just enjoy photos. It's not so difficult. :)

EDIT: Decided not to go on about it.
I agree that its cruel to keep them in those small 1L cups, but I'd also be interested to hear from Betta breeders about how they handle the situation. It's just not realistic to expect someone with 20 Betta's to have 20 separate 10L tanks for a fish that can't be kept with many other species, and still make a profit from the $10-12 that they make off them.

Please, any breeders out there, enlighten us on your take of the topic?
Can you not just be quiet, was there any need to put the edit t the bottom was there.

I think that was a little uncalled for, she's decided to stop arguing, there was no reason for you to retaliate to that.

I agree that its cruel to keep them in those small 1L cups, but I'd also be interested to hear from Betta breeders about how they handle the situation. It's just not realistic to expect someone with 20 Betta's to have 20 separate 10L tanks for a fish that can't be kept with many other species, and still make a profit from the $10-12 that they make off them.

Please, any breeders out there, enlighten us on your take of the topic?

I think breeders keep them in small cups too, but with frequent w/cs, etc. Some bettas prefer small spaces, like one of my boys. Others prefer larger tanks. Honestly, it depends on the bettas, but short term, a 1L box like that with good water wouldn't do them too much harm. :)
Can you not just be quiet, was there any need to put the edit t the bottom was there.

I think that was a little uncalled for, she's decided to stop arguing, there was no reason for you to retaliate to that.

I agree that its cruel to keep them in those small 1L cups, but I'd also be interested to hear from Betta breeders about how they handle the situation. It's just not realistic to expect someone with 20 Betta's to have 20 separate 10L tanks for a fish that can't be kept with many other species, and still make a profit from the $10-12 that they make off them.

Please, any breeders out there, enlighten us on your take of the topic?

I think breeders keep them in small cups too, but with frequent w/cs, etc. Some bettas prefer small spaces, like one of my boys. Others prefer larger tanks. Honestly, it depends on the bettas, but short term, a 1L box like that with good water wouldn't do them too much harm. :)
If she wanted to stop arguing she would just be quiet, not actually put that, putting that is a guarantee for a longer argument.
If she wanted to stop arguing she would just be quiet, not actually put that, putting that is a guarantee for a longer argument.

Only because you're continuing it?
Anyway, I'm not here to argue. The topic was made so people could see how pretty the fish were, arguing over it is just silly :)
I'm bummed that I never got to see the pictures before they got messed up :/

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