Sole Surviving Swordtail Fry =(


New Member
May 1, 2009
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New Zealand
i woke up, and i saw my bloating female Sword was as slim as paris hilton. so i knew she'd dropped. i see a little St fry just floating there in the open. just as a grab my net i see my krib race to it and gobble it up.

so i start looking for more i cant find any. at the same time my krib is looking for more aswell. i find one! sitting on the gravel and i syphon it out into a cup. then put it in my breeder trapper with some plants so it dosnt get harrassed as much by the other fish pecking at the breeder. so the poor guy is the only surviving one.

im pretty sure that bloated female had more than just 2 fry!?? i mean the fish woke up the same time i did. as the room was pitch black before i opened the curtains. and i didnt see the krib find anything else. ad i doubt all other possible 20 fry got sucked into the filter. the guppies always managed to stay outa there.

whats the chances of this 1 fry making it to adulthood? i dropped some crushed flake. it didnt go near it. probably stressed, at uni now so i have to check on it ASAP when i get home.

but whooo finaly got one alive lol. swords are so challenging.
These fry have a great chance of survival.
How ever this is the most common problem that all the other fish eat the fry :(

You done the best thing though so far and usualy is you have good water quality 4 out of 5 fry will surive.
Crushed flake foods will also be file i feed that most of the time and then all some newly hatched brine shrimp and/or daphina now and then.
NO NO NO NO 5H!T. after all my helping and caring for it. its not there. my fry is not in the breeder :(. it must have gotten out somehow.

The marina 2 in 1 breeder it was. i dont udnerstand. there was noway it could have gotten out. :( it'll take me another year before i can find fry with a huge krib lurking in the tank *cry*
Oh what a shame, is the tank heavily planted. If you are wanting to breed these fish maybe have a breeding tank, or get rid of the krib.
im trying to find some breeding tanks. no luck yet. waiting for better things to come. and i dunno krib may have to go.

my question is. why does marina make a breeder that defeats the purpose? the thing that babies drop through that seperates mother from fry. that thing has gaps so big on the side the fry can escape. to the upper level and escape through the upper level's bigger water vents.

in my case i blocked the gap with some gravel but i guess it still happened. i went to the LFS and they were all like that. its so stupid. so only a dumb big guppy fry would last in there =(

and yes its heavily planted. but once the krib gets the hint of food. it goes hunting down. between every blade of plant lol :(
im trying to find some breeding tanks. no luck yet. waiting for better things to come. and i dunno krib may have to go.

my question is. why does marina make a breeder that defeats the purpose? the thing that babies drop through that seperates mother from fry. that thing has gaps so big on the side the fry can escape. to the upper level and escape through the upper level's bigger water vents.

in my case i blocked the gap with some gravel but i guess it still happened. i went to the LFS and they were all like that. its so stupid. so only a dumb big guppy fry would last in there =(

and yes its heavily planted. but once the krib gets the hint of food. it goes hunting down. between every blade of plant lol :(

That's why I put pantyhose over the bottom of that breeder net. Cut off the end of the pantyhose and put it around the breeder net, put an elastic band around it. Yeah, I think it's retarded, how they make the holes so big, but you know, there's always ways to fix problems.

Sorry to hear about your fry. :(
im trying to find some breeding tanks. no luck yet. waiting for better things to come. and i dunno krib may have to go.

my question is. why does marina make a breeder that defeats the purpose? the thing that babies drop through that seperates mother from fry. that thing has gaps so big on the side the fry can escape. to the upper level and escape through the upper level's bigger water vents.

in my case i blocked the gap with some gravel but i guess it still happened. i went to the LFS and they were all like that. its so stupid. so only a dumb big guppy fry would last in there =(

and yes its heavily planted. but once the krib gets the hint of food. it goes hunting down. between every blade of plant lol :(

That's why I put pantyhose over the bottom of that breeder net. Cut off the end of the pantyhose and put it around the breeder net, put an elastic band around it. Yeah, I think it's retarded, how they make the holes so big, but you know, there's always ways to fix problems.

Sorry to hear about your fry. :(

Thanks man. poor thing. if only it could understand i was trying to save it from getting eaten, it wouldnt be so eager to get out.

mine wasnt a net. Marina 2 in 1 breeder. plastic one. most expensive one. so it should technicaly be the best one. well thats the idea atleast. but eh obviously not.
but good idea thanks =) ill try the pantyhose thing or maybe lase or net. IF i get more fry anyways. i onyl got 1 this time round. out of what 20 atleast?

:p gotta get rid of the krib eh

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