
Possibly, though the whole bubble counter/ceramic diffuser arrangement would be of no use with a single unit.
Sorry to ask questions but is this everything that I would need to make enough co2 for a planted tank? Im very new to planted tanks with all the extra bits that I ve only just come across. I am very interested if this would be a complete kit for a 40g tank.

Please PM me.

I've used this on one of my tanks with good results, combined with decent ferts it gave good growth, the thing is you have to be regular in changing the yeast mix, I got quite lazy in the end. The kit does contain everything you need, apart from the ingredients required to produce CO2 (yeast, sugar and water). The original nutrafin sachets are useless and not worth the money at all. Here's a guide on how to prepare the mix.
Ah, you see I m quite often away from home for short periods. Uni work etc and I dont think my parents would want to be doing that. Il probably have to give this one a miss and save up for the more expensive pieces.

Thank you very much for your time,



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