
if they havent gone soon please consider postage!! i would take the lot. ( not to resell, for my main tank :) )
if they havent gone soon please consider postage!! i would take the lot. ( not to resell, for my main tank :) )

The only way i would possibly send is by Actual fish courier just simply for safety purposes it will probably be much cheaper than RM anyways but ill check and ill get back to you if that's ok?
if they havent gone soon please consider postage!! i would take the lot. ( not to resell, for my main tank :) )

The only way i would possibly send is by Actual fish courier just simply for safety purposes it will probably be much cheaper than RM anyways but ill check and ill get back to you if that's ok?

i would have preferred them to be taken up by fish courier :)
Thats Great!!
if they havent gone soon please consider postage!! i would take the lot. ( not to resell, for my main tank :) )

The only way i would possibly send is by Actual fish courier just simply for safety purposes it will probably be much cheaper than RM anyways but ill check and ill get back to you if that's ok?

i would have preferred them to be taken up by fish courier :)
Thats Great!!

Just contacted JM Couriers to get a price for you :), will get back as soon as he replies.
Live your life im still waiting on the courier to get back to me :rolleyes: but will give you a price as soon as i find out.

Still for sale all, as mentioned im trying to find a price for couriering so if Live your life decides not to have them OR collection is done in person (which i would prefer) there still up for sale.
Live your life im still waiting on the courier to get back to me :rolleyes: but will give you a price as soon as i find out.

Still for sale all, as mentioned im trying to find a price for couriering so if Live your life decides not to have them OR collection is done in person (which i would prefer) there still up for sale.

Agree With OP, If Someone Can Collect Them Then I Dont Mind :)

i need more corys and would love pics please :D

and local to you :p

Just taken some on my very bad camera so sorry for the quality :(

Theres a few just so you could get the idea being the pics are so bad lol















This is a pic and a video of the red stripes but they are from the person i brought them from, shows the fish better than my actual camera can ;)



Hope that helps :)
thanks for the pics Jake, but not what I want, sorry

LOL, well without the pics the cory's i had were self explanatory :p lol, what are you after BTW?

they are if you know what each one is lol :blush:

if they look good then i want them lol

LOL, whats nice to one fish keeper is probably not the next fishkeepers cup a tea :p

trilli cory's are stunning little cory's and arcuatus are very much on most cory wannabes list and then the red stripes are just plain and simply stunning all by them selves but that's just my opinion lol/

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