Sold "female Siamese Fighters", Presume They Are Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2012
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I bought about four fish from a local shop and I was told they were female fighters, they were very plain looking and were a solid peachy colour. We really liked them but when the lights went out on my tank we sent them over to a friends tank. They have since changed colour quite a bit, with one of them now having a maroon coloured large fun underneath it. the other remaining one is still quite plain looking

My wife has just been round and found a load of clear coloured balls floating on top of the tank, we assume these are eggs. What should we do with them? This has happened a couple of times and the eggs have just vanished over a couple of nights. I believe she has mollies in the same tank.

What should I suggest to try and help them along a bit?

Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Pictures to follow.
Do nothing until the possible eggs hatch in the mean time research the fish and learn how to care for the fry when they hatch. If you can adjust the flow of your internal filters then do so.
Probably a bubble nest, but usually female fighters don't make these. Only males do. Are you sure that they are all female fighters, or is there a male mixed in there
having had a look through this forum one of them looks very much like another male. I'm not sure how you would sex them.

The one my wife thinks is a male is staying close by.

thanks for your help.
Hopefully these shocking phone pictures will paint a better picture than my useless array of words...




Just to clarify, one of them died and she now has two left. We aren't sure what they are, we just know what they were described as in the shop.
That's a shame, they have been living together for well over a year now. although it could explain some part in the death of the other one? I don't think my current tank is suitable having shrimps in it. Maybe once I buy and set up a tank for my wives fish it could go in there!
defiantely a bubble nest there. females can make them when ready to breed, but that is 100% a males nest and thats the male sat underneath it, they will need seperating asap
Probably a bubble nest, but usually female fighters don't make these. Only males do. Are you sure that they are all female fighters, or is there a male mixed in there

That isn't strictly true. Some females to make bubble nests, one of my girls goes through phases of nest building. However it is probably likely to be a male building a nest as he's in with girls.

If you haven't taken them back yet, can you get a photo of them and we can help sex them :)

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