Equipment make/model/size: Bare bottomed aquariums - 24x12x12 inch
Quantity for sale: 4
Reason for Sale:
I got 4 of there aquariums second hand, but they were wrongly sold to me as being larger than they were! I have therefore had to go and buy new ones, so am selling these at the price they cost me only!
Since getting them, the paint has been stripped off, cleaned and then set up for breeding.
One tank is white now (pictured), two are clear with no paint, and the 4th is as bought with chipped paint all over it (easy fixed, i just haven't had the time).
Great for breeding, or just a small show tank. I've got bolivian rams breeding in the tank pictured just now.
Looking for £10 each. This is what i paid, and they have had work done to them since i got them, so its a good deal.
Please note, only the tank is included for the £10 - not the heater etc that can be seen in the photo.
Delivery or Collection: Collection, but i go down to Edinburgh often enough if thats any use
Sales price: £10
Postage & Packaging: None - collection ony
Location: Aberdeen
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Quantity for sale: 4
Reason for Sale:
I got 4 of there aquariums second hand, but they were wrongly sold to me as being larger than they were! I have therefore had to go and buy new ones, so am selling these at the price they cost me only!
Since getting them, the paint has been stripped off, cleaned and then set up for breeding.
One tank is white now (pictured), two are clear with no paint, and the 4th is as bought with chipped paint all over it (easy fixed, i just haven't had the time).
Great for breeding, or just a small show tank. I've got bolivian rams breeding in the tank pictured just now.
Looking for £10 each. This is what i paid, and they have had work done to them since i got them, so its a good deal.
Please note, only the tank is included for the £10 - not the heater etc that can be seen in the photo.
Delivery or Collection: Collection, but i go down to Edinburgh often enough if thats any use
Sales price: £10
Postage & Packaging: None - collection ony
Location: Aberdeen
All negotiations and questions must be posted in this sales thread and NOT by PM.
Communications may only be taken to PM once the sale and price has been agreed upon on the open forum and payment/collection details need to be given.
The agreement of the time and date of collection or postage, or confirmation that items have been posted should also be posted in the thread.
Please refrain from commenting unless you are interested in more details or are interested in buying.
If you suspect any foul play, please use the report button and the moderating team will deal with all reports.