Sold A Kipper


New Member
Oct 2, 2006
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My local aquarist reliably informed me that most of the different types of Cory will happily shoal together.

I now have:

2 Peppered Corys
2 Leopard Corys
2 Sand's Corys

The Peppers are about half grown and are happy as larry doing their own thing.
The Leopards are a little smaller but seem undaunted, almost as happy as the Peppers.
The Sand's however are nearly full grown and won't come out if anyone is anywhere near the tank, they hide in the sheltered corner I provided for them and seem extremely timid.

Have I been sold a kipper? Do Corys only shoal and feel secure with their own species?

Found on mod queue in the fish index. Moved.
Cories dont really interspecies shoal much, whats more important is the numbers of each species. Generally it is held that 3 cories of the same species is a minimum, with the more cories added the more active they will be.

Hope this helps: and this is definitely the place to ask corydoras questions.

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