Soft And Hard Water:no:


Fish Crazy
Nov 16, 2008
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how can you tell tht tropicalfish tank water are soft and hard wot do u use 2 know :no:
Well there's no reason to jump all over him/her, everyone makes mistakes.

xmurdererx: there are tests to check your hardness levels, you want to look for liquid tests for KH and GH. For more information on water levels read: What's in your water?

Also, you might get a better response from people if you take the few extra seconds to use punctuation and spell out words. Not all of us are texters, and I know I personally tend to ignore posts with a lot of abbreviations and no punctuation. :good:
check out some liquid test kits. They should sell it at your lps/lfs.

Also, dont be so harsh on him, at least answer him.

Everyone makes mistakes, its part of life. ):
Well there's no reason to jump all over him/her, everyone makes mistakes.

xmurdererx: there are tests to check your hardness levels, you want to look for liquid tests for KH and GH. For more information on water levels read: What's in your water?

Also, you might get a better response from people if you take the few extra seconds to use punctuation and spell out words. Not all of us are texters, and I know I personally tend to ignore posts with a lot of abbreviations and no punctuation. :good:

hi mate i know i also do not tolarate rudness but this person was rude in the buy and sell section to a member yesterday,a member trying to sell 2 tanks, this person jumps in straight of being rude and obnoctious, no reason what so ever, the other posters i think it got there backs up....
xmurdererx.... please change your user name... This is a family site and shouldnt have the word murderer in it, even when its hidden by "x"'s

Quick easy answer to the question do you have hard water/soft water..... Look in your kettle. If you have limescale on your kettle element, you have hard water. Look on your shower head.... if the holes are filling up with white deposits... you have limescale so have hard water.

How easy can you wash soap off your hands. If it comes off easy, hard water. If it stays on you for a while - soft water.

I like easy science!! :)
Strange thread this. Can't understand why so many odd replies.

Water Hardness is measured in KH (carbon and other temporary solutes) and GH (Total or German Hardness - includes heavy metals).

API do a good test kit for it.

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