So you wanna rescue a betta...

February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Ethos said:
Just a quick question- Those betta bowls you see in the store-are they ok for bettas?
I would say that in a dire emergency when you can't or don't want to get anything else for a *little* while, they're okay. BUT.... that's only if you need to take a fish home that day and start nursing him/her back to health right away. Usually, I would say that any tank you plan to leave your fish in as a permanent home should be something that holds no less than 1 gallon. :)
daudy - sometimes I don't know what to say. I usually make it up as I go along. Especially when I'm complaining to someone about their fish. On one phone call, I was the personal representative of someone who was very actively involved in animal rights activism.
That wasn't a lie at all.......

:p lol that is a lie isnt it...? lol jk i wish i could do that... but im not much of a speaker :p
It isn't a lie at all. :p
I was representing myself, and I am sort of an animal rights activits.

More like i'm a self- deemed psychotic betta patrol officer, but ya know - it works. ;)

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