So you wanna rescue a betta...

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Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
I know this is a completely unnecessary thread for a LOT of you, but there are probably some people out there who read about the rescues that so many of us bring home all the time and just have no idea where to start, but want to help. This is for those people.

There are 2 things to think about before you make the decision to rescue a betta.
1 ) Do you have a tank and a place in your home to put it?
2 ) Is this something you're willing to invest your time and effort into over the long haul?
Most of the time this is something you can decide while you're standing in a store, staring at a fish that is in dire need of some medical attention. It's okay to let your heart guide you into buying the fish, but REMEMBER - use your head too. It can be a long term commitment, especially if you're taking one home that isn't knocking on death's door. The chances of these fish coming back from pretty grave illnesses are actually very good.

My vision of a "betta rescue" is probably different from others' ideas of it, and that's perfectly fine. I buy the ones that I figure will die very soon if I don't take them with me... I will take one home if it's covered in ick, it's eyes are so cloudy it can't see, and it can't get up off the bottom of the cup. OR... I'll take one home if it's missing an entire fin and needs help growing it back. OR.... I'll take one home if it was dumped in with another one and has some pretty severely major damage all over the place. I'll also take them home from a store if it's covered in fungus, it has horrible popeye, it obviously has a gill infection, it is flopped over on the bottom of the cup and can't get up, infections, etc. etc.

If the fish is very sick, you will obviously want to get it home as fast as you possibly can. However, if you feel that you have the time, please let an employee, preferrably a manager, know how you feel - especially if it's pure neglect and ignorance that has put the fish into this condition. If you don't have time to, or aren't comfortable with doing it right then, PLEASE email or call, or both once you get home. It WILL make you feel a whole lot better about the situation. And, this will also let them know why you took the fish home in the first place. Most of the time, they aren't even aware, and just don't care, that they have sick fish in their stock on the shelves. IF we just buy them and take them home with no complaints, they'll just keep on ordering more, making the profit (AND YES, THEY DO MAKE A PROFIT ON THE FISH THEMSELVES) and just figure they're selling fish, so they must be doing something right. If you really want to make an impact in a store like WalMart, tell them that you aren't buying ANYTHING but sick fish in their store, even if you do still shop there. They don't know the difference, and if they *think* you don't shop there anymore because of the way they treat their fish, you've made somewhat of an impact. Having said that, I would very strongly encourage you to stop shopping there then also... I have officially stopped buying ANYthing in WalMart. I don't care if it costs me twice as much somewhere else, I make sacrifices so I don't have to buy anything there. And I tell them. OFTEN.

On to the fish themselves... once you get them home, you'll have to diagnose the problem and start whatever type of treatment you need to, if one is necessary. A lot of problems that fish have when they come home to live with you can simply be corrected by getting them into sparkly clean water. If you plan on doing rescuing on a full-scale, you will want to invest in some medications, just in case you get one home and realize someone needs to be treated for something. If you're just looking to get one or a few, hold off on the meds until you diagnose. There are SO many things that can go wrong with a fish between the time it is born and the time you find it on an shelf that it's hard to say what you can expect to find on the shelf. I have seen soooo many things - blindness, severed fins, fungus, ick and cloudy eyes, shredded fins, severe finrot, etc., and just plain disgusting water which has created a whole mess of problems. You never know what you're going to find. I won't go into all the illnesses and how to treat them, because quite frankly I don't know how to treat them all and I could type for days and days to describe how I treated everything I've treated thus far. Besides, that's what this forum is for. :)

Lastly, BE PREPARED - if you go in intending to rescue someone, be completely prepared to find things you might later wish you hadn't found. It can be a really emotionally trying experience, but it is really, REALLY rewarding in the end, even if the fish doesn't survive.

If you're not comfortable with making a complaint to the store, simply type me up a PM and I will call the store. I have done it several times, and I will do it several more times.
Much needed post :thumbs: I'll let it sit here for a couple of days and then I'll pin it in the bettas frequently asked archive if that's cool with you.
kewl you finally posted this..i have to say you come in handy i hate calling and complaining i feel like a freak so i let you call them...sheesh i sound cheap :rofl:
Well done. ;)

I don't want accolades for rescueing bettas (or adopting pound cats for that matter). I do it for myself mostly.
It makes me feel good when I save a guy that I know probably wouldn't have made it through the night. It kills me that I can't take them all home but like you, if I see a dire case I just can't help myself. It's as if I could hear them begging for help. It makes me feel good to know that I can cure these guys when most people don't know how or want to try. I have a strong nurturing gene and bettas are one great way to satisfy this urge. Not to mention I love having them around the house, I think they're beautiful.

I don't don a red cape and go out to seek out a distressed betta but if I happen to be at the petstore getting catfood, I can't help but walk by and look at the bettas. Most of the stores I go to are pretty good about betta keeping but I've seen a lot of sad cases at Petco. I've complained a few times but always get the same answer....."We were just in the process of changing the water". I start to explain to them that it needs to happen more frequently obviously and they say they've just been understaffed and hadn't been able to get to it but they'll do it right now. At that point I usually stop argueing. To give them credit, they usually are pretty good.
I cant wait to do this, im hoping to get a few more tanks just in case i find a betta i feel needs rescuing :wub:

They sell long tanks (which can comfortably be divided up for 3 bettas) in our local pet shop for £15. My boyfriend doesnt realise our house will soon turn into a betta rescue centre :D
Does anyone use Bettamax or any other additive for their rescues?
I give mine a "spa" treatment in Bettamax for about 5 days. It seems to work great for us. Plus I get to enjoy the "new fish high" for a few days while he's in blue water. Once that "high" wears off I get to transfer him into a clear bowl and see his true colors again. It's like a re-revealing.
wuvmybetta said:
Much needed post :thumbs: I'll let it sit here for a couple of days and then I'll pin it in the bettas frequently asked archive if that's cool with you.
That'd be super cool.
This is a great post. :)

I have a tank sitting up stairs just waiting for me to find a betta for it. I went to WalMart and so very happy; they had no bettas!
Hi all,

Although I am new to "betta world", in the little time I have been involved I have also noticed the deplorable plight of these guys at our local Walmarts and other stores.

Although I don't think I would have the skill (or the place) to bring all these guys home, one thing I can do is to make my views known to the stores that do mistreat these fish.

I was searching online for more information about this and found a forum topic entitled "WHO TO WRITE TO, Re: Betta Maltreatment" Link.
Here are the addresses for those of you who would like to participate (I know Walmart Canada is gonna get a letter from me :sly:):

Sam Parker
CEO & President PetsMart
19601 N. 27th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ
Tel.: 800-738-1385, 623-580-6100
Fax: 623-580-6502

PETCO PETCO Animal Supplies, Inc.
Customer Relations Team
9125 Rehco Road
San Diego, CA
(Monday-Friday: 7AM - 6PM PST)

H. Lee Scott Jr.
CEO & President
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
702 S.W. Eighth St.
Bentonville, AR
Tel.: 800-WAL-MART
Fax: 479-273-4329

Mario Pilozzi
Wal-Mart Canada
1940 Argenta Rd.
Mississauga, Ontario
L5N 1P9
Tel.: 905-821-2111


i would love to rescue all the walmart bettas and give them all good homes, but the reality is that i dont have the time, space or funds for such an undertakeing. another fact to keep in mind is that wally world works on "supply and demand" if u buy them out, they will only purchase more. you would in therory be doing a greater good by ignoring the situation completely and boycotting the fish. (i dont just mean walmart, but most all lfs) thanks to people like you bettamomma the conditions in which bettas are kept in these stores has dramatically changed (beleive it or not) we arnt the only poeple who complain about this sort of thing. but if your looking for a short term comitment that will make a differance in the life of a single fish, adopting one of these abused fish is far better than buying from a breeder who will more likely than not find a home for thise fish anyway. :thumbs:
Just a quick question- Those betta bowls you see in the store-are they ok for bettas?
littlefishie said:
I'd bet my entire paycheque that BettaMomma, once she sees those numbers, will write every single one down and call to complain. ;)
My reputation proceeds me I see! I read this AFTER I wrote all the numbers on my "to do tomorrow" list. :lol:

daudy - sometimes I don't know what to say. I usually make it up as I go along. Especially when I'm complaining to someone about their fish. On one phone call, I was the personal representative of someone who was very actively involved in animal rights activism.
That wasn't a lie at all....... :whistle:


and thanks everybody - hopefully it will do some good :)

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