So, Which States Are Freshwater Rays Illegal In?


New Member
Nov 20, 2006
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I've heard some people say things as extreme as the entire USA, or as minor as just California...then again I've also heard Texas and Georgia mentioned as having a law against keeping freshwater stingrays.

So, out of curiosity...which states is it known to be illegal in? Would be nice if we had a listing or something for quick reference...

Though it may be a faux pas to refer you to another site...Aquatic Predators has a rather extensive list of prohibited fishes for the USA. You can find that information here: Prohibited Fishes list. I can personally confirm that all freshwater stingrays are illegal in Texas.

arrowanas and FW stingrays in florida are RESTRICTED meaning you could obtain a license allowing to keep them, whereas the prohibited fish are unavailable to everyone.
arrowanas and FW stingrays in florida are RESTRICTED meaning you could obtain a license allowing to keep them, whereas the prohibited fish are unavailable to everyone.

From my research it appears that you can only get a restricted fish license if it is for a public display/educational/scientific type thing, not for home aquariums (at least in most states, maybe you can in some).

It's been hard to find info on most states, but I've found out for sure that they are restricted in:

Texas, Oklahoma (my state), Peoples Republic of California (what is NOT illegal there?), Georgia, and at least several others.

Somehow I don't think stingrays would be able to survive in most north american waters, and honestly, how many people would just dump an animal that costs $100+ in the local lake?


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