So We Got This Guinea Pig.


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2005
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He's a very beautiful and apparently healthy little creature, and he can really book when he wants to, unfortunately, poor old Hermie bricks it every time anyone goes near him.

We let him settle in on his own for the first afternoon, and we gave him some grass in the evening and left him over night, but I am use to my gp's running out to eat and Hermie just stayed in his box. The grass was gone in the morning, as was some gp food and some other veg later on - so he's eating, but I actually think the little thing's terrified. He only eats when he is alone.

My sister and I grew up with lots of them as our pets, so did Dan, so we are not novice owners, we just don't know what to make of this one. They usually just wander about being guinea pigs, but Hermie refuses to come out of his box. I do hope he settles in and calms down a bit, I'm torn between handling him to make him more comfortable with us, and leaving him alone because he obviously isn't in to being touched just now.



Obviously he was not impressed with being stuck on the couch to have his photo taken. Who could blame him?
I havn't had gynniepigs, but I have a rabbit. She was very cousious of me when I first brought her into the house. I would think that his coiriosity would eventually over take him and he would leave his box. Slowely let him get acostemed to you presence. When he's cumfy in his cage open the door and let him come out on his own terms. You could sit on th floor a little distance away from his cage and read a book, draw, or talk softly on the phone. It might be even better if you lie down. He will worm up eventually. Sorry if you already know this. This helped me and my bunny become friends. I hope all goes well :good:.
He is vey cute, by the way.
I rehomed two piggies from the RSPCA, they had been born in care and hardly ever handled.
They are both very skittish, although they don't run away when you walk by anymore. As much as they hated it,
i handled them often. Using cucumber as a bribe, that way they associate handling with something nice.

You have to be able to handle them to do basic health checks.
Have you thought about getting him a friend? That would make him more comfortable in his home.
Oh we can handle him ok, we both pick him up (Dylan isn't allowed to just yet) and he sits ok when he's out. But he still won't be out when we are in there. If he hears us coming he runs.

Dylan is going to be allowed another one, but he has to do something first. Hermie was a present for being able to write his name freehand. We haven't decided what Hermie2 will be a bribe for, lol
Are you keeping him indoors?
If you are I suggest taking his house out for a while till he feels comfortable around you.
I have always found having nervous guineas with a house in the cage doesnt help at all.
Sit and talk to him quiet and offer him his fav veggies.We have 2 in at the moment that had never been handled from being born and they are now 11 months old,they would throw themselves up the cage walls to try and get away from you and scream if you picked them up.
2 weeks after they came in they feed from our hands and let you scratch under the chin

A good forum is
Yes, if you tank the house out and just place an old towel over 1 corner of the cage he'll get used to seeing you as friends not prey.
as above just sit and talk to him and just hold the veg in your hand and talk to him and soon he'll realise your there to look after him. Also like humans they arnt all the same and some do take longer than others to settle down.
Also not every guinea come running when your are there some are just a little quiter than others.
My two were like this for the first week or so, but soon settled down. Now whenever I pass the cage they have their noses pressed to the bar looking for food!
Well, since Hermie knocked the lid off his box, we left it off and he has been out more - he still goes in there, then comes out and hides in the straw, but he did stay out tonight and he even came and got a carrot stick I put in when Dylan was getting ready for bed, so he's getting braver.

I'd be scared if I was little and belonged to a five year old too though I spose :lol: Hermie is due a friend this week since Dylan read a whole book to us last night. Ok, so it had about 30 words and most of them were "My pet is a...." but all the same, reading is reading :)
Hermie has a little friend now too "Heathcliff".

They seem to be doing ok, Heath is a bit scared still but Hermie has settled down well.
Glad you have a friend for him as they realy dont like being alone.
sounds like he has settled in now and before long he will be wheeking for food
We had our first "wheek" last night when we went in to Dylan's room.....he looked at the cage and said "They were talking..." like as if they are ploting against him :lol:

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