So This Morning I Had Another Premonition Dream...


Tiny fish
Jan 16, 2012
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Although it seemed mostly like I just cracked a fish tank in my dream, but guess what news I receive half an hour later?
My dad's getting a free fish tank (looks like certain people have been losing the pangasius... as they want a smaller tank). o_O Let's hope dad can carry it. That might be a new fish tank (exclusive egg-layer tank) in the attic once he makes new rooms there some day.
EDIT: Will have to help him carry it. But it's worth it. O.O
Got it! Much taller but a bit shorter than mine. Pic to follow and got free bogwood! :lol:

With bogwood inside, will boil the wood a bit though, cause it's been with all those fish. The former owner has 3 ancistrus, 1 angelfish and 3 pangasius and some white gourami... And he put them in a smaller tank than that X_X But at least he said he will rehome the bigger fish and keep the angel and gourami...

Will have to do measurement to find out the volume. Can't use it for now, but when my dad will renovate the attic, I'll fill it with egg layers and a new filter X)

This bogwood will serve for vegetation and hoplo shelter.

My muscles are SO going to hurt in the morning...
Dad measured only height and width as 53 height and 35 width, why on Earth he didn't measure length is beyond my comprehension though. -.- Hope next time he goes to the attic he'll get the length too. It's probably an 80 L or something.

Now, what do I need to know about bogwood? I will boil it to get rid of any nasties the former fish left on it, but the owner said it's weighted down and doesn't release any ugly-looking substance. How does it affect the PH? Increase or decrease?

And here are the measurements... Turns out I have a 150L fish tank. o_O who knew?
Bogwood decreases pH a little.
Wish I knew where exactly I am situated at, seems above 7 PH, since my snails' shells have calcified since I bought them with some holes in their shells.

I have added the bogwood to the tank, though the snails and catfish were scared of it at first. Now it's just the catfish who will just stare at it in fear, the snails have started to investigate it. The swordies love grazing on it.
They'll all warm up to it in time.
Yeah, the hoplo's always last. First he was scared of the fry cage, later started sniffing it all day. Then it was the Java Fern, now he sleeps with his snout in its roots. He'll probably be sleeping next to the bogwood later on. He doesn't usually swim in the area I placed the wood anyway, so he gets to keep his sandy area, while the snails and swordies get the filter area, where I can put some food for the snails. (will try carrots first).
That's why I love aquariums, so many personalities!
The scaredy-cat: Tzuppy
the queen-female dog: Bee
the pervy fish: Cracker
the rogue snail: Lorenzo
the minds-his-business snail: Kadenza

I was considering getting some snails, what do you think?
Well, apple snails are cute and do a lot of cleaning when you need to get rid of old leaves, but it annoys me when one decides that a new branch = food. I'll be trying carrots and if they don't like them, then a cucumber roll or something the hoplo can't eat.
They come in many colors, but the golden ones were most common here. You might like getting different colors or something to match your tank's theme.

Or trumpet snails for sand, I wanted those initially... but the pet shop I get my stuff from didn't have any. Then, few weeks later, I find out that the mall pet shop has them, but it's too risky buying from there because they had a LOT of dead fish, damaged plants, bettas kept in small cups (some dead) etc so I didn't buy any, nor plants.

Or assassin snails if you want to get rid of some pest snails and have some nice-looking snails, but idk about them much.

All in all, I think apples remain my favorite. Those cute faces they have make them look like rabbits. X))
Well can't have apple snails if they eat plants. I'm gonna check out my LFS today and see what they have.
Well can't have apple snails if they eat plants. I'm gonna check out my LFS today and see what they have.
Mine eat plants because I couldn't get the food to them. They should normally eat whatever the fish eat and the rotten or sick vegetation. I'll try to give them something else to eat that the fish won't (I can't even imagine them do this) eat, such as cucumber rolls or carrot rolls.

Your other option would be the trumpets: need sand, don't seem to get along well with betta fish, are very small, are livebearers (at least that's what I've heard) and still may eat vegetation.

Pretty much everything will eat your old parts of the plants I think, if they are hungry enough.

Aww, look at these little bunnies. X) Sharing a carrot roll.
Though it seems like Lorenzo likes to chew the bogwood instead, he didn't stay for too long. Kadenza keeps eating the carrot.

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