So this happened.....

Sep 28, 2019
Reaction score
Kings Park NY 11754
I came home from work and was dismayed to find one of my glass fish dead on the bottom of the tank..... What was really weird was his mouth was wide open and his gills were flared out more than any Betta I have ever seen. I immediately scooped him out of the tank and took a better look. It wasn't a dead fish, it was two dead fish. The glass fish attempted to swallow an Ottocinclus cat fish. and was partially successful. It was quite surprising. I have never seen the glass fish act aggressively to any other fish in the tank. In fact they are quite shy and hide when anyone approaches the tank. Yes, my glass fish basically choked to death on the Ottocinclus. Suicide by algae eater.
I came home from work and was dismayed to find one of my glass fish dead on the bottom of the tank..... What was really weird was his mouth was wide open and his gills were flared out more than any Betta I have ever seen. I immediately scooped him out of the tank and took a better look. It wasn't a dead fish, it was two dead fish. The glass fish attempted to swallow an Ottocinclus cat fish. and was partially successful. It was quite surprising. I have never seen the glass fish act aggressively to any other fish in the tank. In fact they are quite shy and hide when anyone approaches the tank. Yes, my glass fish basically choked to death on the Ottocinclus. Suicide by algae eater.
Oh gosh! So sorry.
Sorry for your loss.
Well big fish eat little fish....well most of the time. I once saw a video of an angler that caught a bass that had another bass almost his same size in his mouth (too big to get down...and he still ht a lure!!! Reminds me of that expression of "eyes bigger than your stomach" when you take too much.
Sorry for your loss.
Well big fish eat little fish....well most of the time. I once saw a video of an angler that caught a bass that had another bass almost his same size in his mouth (too big to get down...and he still ht a lure!!! Reminds me of that expression of "eyes bigger than your stomach" when you take too much.
It works for snakes who can eat animals bigger than the diameter of it's body...but doesn't work for fish who want to bite off more than it can chew. :)

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