So My Cories Spawned...


Fish Crazy
Dec 23, 2009
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Well, i had a bit of a rethink with my main tank, i did have bronze cories/female bettas/couple of bn plecos, but the female bettas where always nipping each other and stressing each other out and i didnt find it ammusing to watch, so decided i will set up a sorority when i have my own house and space for more tanks, and took them back to the shop and got 3 fancy guppies insted (1 male 2 fem) with the intention of breeding them, so got myself a little plastic fish breeding box aswell, ive had my cories since i set up this tank, so since last year, and they decide to spawn a few days after i got myself a breeder box, lucky or what?

So few questions, ive got the eggs in the breeder box, but im going to the fish shop today and will pick up another net because im worried they are going to get through the gaps in the trap when they hatch, ive got java moss and i hear baby fish will eat micro organisms that are on the moss? ive also ordered some powdered bloodworm, is this ok to feed them? what else should i get to feed them? will crush up some flake aswell when they get a bit bigger. Ive got my airstone near the box aswell. And luckily my tank has 2 seperate lights on either side so can keep the side with the eggs in the dark, cos i read fungus can grow on them and darkness will help prevent this.

Any more info ppl can give me? i wasnt expecting this so wasnt prepared!

Congrats on your eggs,my albinos unexpectedly spawned this morning :)

If you're not going down the 'live food route' then either firstbites & or defrosted baby brine shrimp would be good whilst they're tiny.

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