so many cories


Steals the show
Jan 3, 2005
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i knew there were alot of differnt types of cories but my lfs now as aroun 25 differnet kinds and i want soem of them all lol!!!!

they range in prioce form 99p to 7.99, would it be ok to keep several groups of three in a 40gl tank, how many groups of 3 do you suggest??


It all depends on their sizes as I'm sure you know, but I have to different varieties in my tank and they seem fine.

Get them lol :D

Hi One_Trick_Pony :)

How exciting it must be to see so many different corys, all in the same lfs!

If you follow the "inch per gallon," guideline, you won't go wrong when it comes to stocking. In addition to corys, of course you will have to consider the other fish in the tank.

You cannot have too many different corys together since, while they like to spend some time with their own kind, they are comfortable in big schools of any mixture. My 55 gallon tank has only corys except for a weather loach, two gouramis and a couple of otos. They are doing just fine.

All corys get along well together, but I find that if they are similar in size they do best, although this is a pretty loose rule. Pandas, especially, seem to do best by themselves or with the pygmy species.

Keep in mind that if you want to try your luck at breeding any of these, you should get two males to each female, or better still, at least two of each gender. Six is an ideal group to get.

Have fun, and let us know what you decide to get. :D
I agree with Inchworm, also most corys are nocturnal so cover/shade like a cave is good and they also prefer sand substrate in their tank. You will also need to substitute their diet with catfish pelets/algae wafers as they cannot live off scavenged food at the bottom of the tank completly.

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