So Many Babies

Okay no seriously.

Whats with the snails in my 20 gallon???

I found a SINGLE pygmy cory egg tonight. Just one.

On a snail. Covered in sand, but on a snail.
Finally got the sparkling gourami fry taking pellets with enthusiasm consistently! A couple are also developing their patterns too. Theyre looking more adult like.



^with one of the trilineatus cory youngsters.

And the pot this morning in the younger pygmy tank is very popular!

Also, in good news... ive caught one of my male weitzmani cories doing the little boy dance in front of our single female weitzmani... of course she ignored him, but this is a good step as weitzmani were the species of cory I really wanted to breed to begin with! Ive got 4 total. 3 male, 1 female.
Bittersweet, but someone is coming to take 14 of the trilineatus sometime next week, but it'll be good for them to go to a new home.

Someone else is interested in the remaining ones as well, so looks like all my little tris will be moving on in life
So i got the 6 being picked up tomorrow separated. And then the remaining 14 separated for their pick up. I did that earlier today.

Go feed everyone.

There's a straggler in the tank I missed.

I double count both separated bunches. Yep numbers are the same.

So keeping this lucky one, naming her Vagabond lol
I get over how much they've all grown! :wub:

It's so lovely that the cories are going to a home as a group. They get to live with their siblings! That has to be some comfort when they're in a new territory. Bye little guys *sniff* be happy and healthy!
The older pygmy babies are doing fantastic, they should be almost ready to go to their new home once the smallest catches up.


And baby sparklers, starting to be able to see which are male and which are female in the larger ones.


Oh and I forgot to update, but the single random egg I found on the snail, it hatched!
Wish I would see a tetra fry or two but just happy my tetra tank is not leaking. Love looking at your fry pictures. Thinking of taking my platy fry tank and changing it over to a soft water cory tank after I move the platy fry.
Could opt for both and get a cory that can handle harder water :p

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