some fish are easy to train, Cichlids in general have no problem figuring out a feeding routine... my Tin Foil barbs, are way to the opposite side of the scale... anything new in the tank, even if intended as a benefit to them, takes over a month to get used to, and mine ( going on 3 years now ) still totally freak out if they can see me... they got moved to a barb tank, a couple months ago, and feeding is still a challenge... there are more Pothos roots in the new tank, and the top water is not completely unobstructed, like it was on the Hillstream tank... their previous tank, had a rather coarse river gravel, and they ate off the bottom nearly every feeding... the new tank has sand, and they don't like to eat off of it... that just got me thinking, who's smarter, easily trained, or very hard to train???
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