So Excited!

Be careful putting small furry pets in aquariums, as the venilation isn't as good as a wire cage (even with a wire top), so ammonia builds up much quicker and can cause the furry ones to get sick and even die eventually. You would have to clean the cage out just about every day to keep from causing health problems. Also make sure you never ever use cedar or pine bedding (though aspen is ok). :good:

(Sorry if this is considered off topic, but it is worth saying. ;) )

I think another fish tank would be more exciting anyway! :lol:

definitely well aware of those risks... *has owned small furries since she was born* chances are, it will be for the geckos or for fishies... but if all else fails, i could definitely use some more room for my piggies. and i will be very careful about ventalation. :nod:

cedar and pine bedding is awful. i don't know why they even make it anymore. i work at petsmart and have to lecture people daily about not using it. :grr:

I am SO glad to find someone who has furries and actually knows what they are doing. So many people seem suprised when I tell them not to use cedar bedding. :/

(I hope you weren't offended by my telling you, as most people don't know, so... :X )

nope, not a problem. i currently own four rats, three guineas, and a hamster... love them all dearly (except the hamster. he's my sisters, and hamsters are a bit evil by nature, haha. i nearly get my finger taken off on a daily basis at work... blood-sucking little creatures. :grr: )

anyhow, they really just need to quit making pine and cedar bedding altogether. people buy it because it's cheaper... but why do you think it's cheaper?! it causes respiratory infections, that's why lol. people are stupid sometimes, i swear.

i've always used "yesterday's news". it's a kind of cat litter, but works perfectly for small animals. it's basically recycled newspaper put into pellets... and is quite cheap too, given that it is only $10 for a 30lb bag.

even aspen shouldn't really be used for guineas or rats, as they are both prone to respiratory infections moreso than hamsters... for them, i've always used the pellet or paper kind of bedding. i'm not too fond of aspen, after almost getting respiratory infections myself after changing 20 cages at work. :S
I have four rats, and I use rags (mostly old t-shirts) and just wash the rags every so often. Three of them live in a large canary cage, and the other (who refused to live with the others- hes a grumpy old man, hehe!) lives in a rabbit cage. I find it easier to wash the rags then to have to buy bedding all the time (and it makes a mess!).

I agree about the pine and cedar bedding. I have seeing it in the pet stores when I go there. :grr:

I have always heard that aspen was ok, but I have never had personal experience with it, as I always use rags.
aspen is fine for hamsters and gerbils... but not worth the risk with guineas and rats, for the most part. i'd rather use slightly more expensive bedding than pay $50 in vet bills every now and then for respiratory infections. :S

never thought of trying rags, but that's a good idea. aren't rats just the best little critters? what are yours named? and what do they look like?
aspen is fine for hamsters and gerbils... but not worth the risk with guineas and rats, for the most part. i'd rather use slightly more expensive bedding than pay $50 in vet bills every now and then for respiratory infections. :S

never thought of trying rags, but that's a good idea. aren't rats just the best little critters? what are yours named? and what do they look like?

They are great little creatures. :D

The five furred ones: (the four rats and the one dog)


Wile and Drake are brothers, and Kinsey and Clay are brothers. Wile is the one who refuses to like with the other three. It used to be him and Drake, then when I brought the other two home, Wile was very upset and refused to get along, and he even grew intolerant of Drake after awhile. Drake, however, LOVES the babies, and they are always snuggled up. :wub:

I might wander over to the household pets section to post a picture thread, though my pictures are mostly blurry and generally suck. -_- :lol:

What are yours like?

(Sorry for bringing your thread so off topic! :blush: )

(And is the picture ok?)

ETA: Kinsey is dumbo-earred and black, Clay is dumbo earred and russian blue, and Drake and Wile are both agouti hooded and standard earred. ;)
aww!!! they are so adorable!!! :wub:

this is juliette and joconde... (dark one is juliette)

they're little rascals. :D

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