So Confused About My Tank


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
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Hello everyone.

I'm having some issues with my tank and I'm really confused about what is going on in there.

My Set up.

I have a 100 litre tank with a heater, sponge based filter, lamp that is on for 2-3 hours per day and an air pump. There are a few ornaments in there, 5 plastic plants and 3 real ones. There is a fine gravel substrate.

I started my fishless cycle in November and it finished a little after January.

I do a 30% water change once a week and a 50% water chance at the end of every month.

The current stocking level is x4 Zebra Danio, x1 Bristlenose Plec, x2 male honey gourami and x1 female (1 other female has just died).

At the moment ammonia and nitrite both read 0, I test every week. Once or twice there have been slight increases in both but this is always around the time I add new fish which I have arritbuted to the increase in bioload. Water PH is around 7.5 and remains stable.

Every water change I add my Tetra tap-water safe, add 20ml of tetra easy balance and 10ml of plant fetilizer.

For some reason though I'm having a lot of problems with my fish.

I started with 3 zebra danio, waited a few weeks to make sure everything was ok and my fishless cycle had worked - to start with them all seemed fine and my cycle had been a sucess!. I then added 4 more. Then one of them died off, then a week later another died, then another. They all seemed to die of the same thing - one by one they would all seem to get very lethargic and lazy, not bothering with food, then their spine would start to curve. I couldn't really tell what was wrong with them, but after a lot of googleing there were a lot of people experiencing the same problems with Danios.

Anyway, I went to the store and got 4 more danios and my bristlenose plec. Gradually over about 2 months 3 of those danios died off, same reasons as above. All together I had 11 and I now have 4. These danios came from my LFS and Pets at Home, suprisingly to some the ones from PAH are the ones that I still have now. Since the last danio died about 6 weeks ago they havn't shown any off symptoms and all seem healthy.

After this I added a male and a female dwarf gourami. For about a month they seemed OK, then the male died all of a sudden. About 2 weeks after that the female began to show signs of death, not eating, sitting on the bottom of the tank, not moving until she eventually passed away.

After all my fish deaths I did a big water change and put in some Health Guard (made by I <3 Fish).
I then traveled a little further out of my city to a large garden centre called Bridgemere where they have a huge fish shop. From here I got x2 male honey gouramis and x2 females. After 1 week one of the females had died and now another week on the other female is showing signs of death approaching fast. She is very thin, not eating, her eyes are massive and black and her poo is stringy and white. The two males on the other hand though have both become much more colourful and the red fins are very deep and bright. They aren't showing any signs of illness.

So soon I will have lost x8 zebra danio, x1 male gourami and x3 female gourami and I really don't know why.

My tank is oxygenated well, the fish are well fed (but not over-fed) and the tank parameters all seem normal. The only little thing I pick up on is when I do a water change there is a lot of "debris" floating round in the tank when I disturb the gravel. A lot of this gets sucked up when I use the pump but I've been doing it now for 6 months and it never seems to be any less. I think it is bits of dead plant, I've tried lots of different ones and some flourish and others die in a couple of days. I've trired researching what would be best in my tank but nothing seems to work. All the fish poo gets sucked up, any left over pellets and flakes get sucked up. Could this be making my water poor?

I'm going to try and cure my female gourami, or replace her with x2 more if she dies. I wanted to add some Neon Tetra but I don't want to buy any more fish until I know they will last longer. Having said that, I have x4 zebra danios which are 6-8 months old and a Plec who is almost 8 months old. So if it was bad water shouldn't they have died as well? Could it just be old fish from the shop with only a few months life left in them?

I really don't know what I should do and any help/advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
hi there,

i don't think that your lights are on for long enough per day. i keep mine on for about 8 hours per day. this lck of light will not be helping your plants and may be leading to them dying off. it may also be making your fish lethargic. what temperature is your heater set at??
L :unsure:
Temp is currently 24'C

I don't keep my lights on for long because of the algae growth I get with them, green spots pop up all over the place and I get a lot of the string algae too. The plants I have now are all very green and grow quite a bit with the current 3 hour set up.
Lights wont the problem here regarding fish dying but your are correct i would try keep them on for at least 6 hours for live plants fish are not fussed about light and is soley for viewing and plants. Few questions if i may

Have you tested the water from the tap?
where is the tank beedroom, sitting room etc?
Does sunlight hit the tank any part of the day?
Do you use any sprays in thst room, deoderant, airfreshners etc
Yes, I tested it prior to filling my tank and have tested it every now and again to make sure nothings changed and it's fine.

Tank is in my Bedroom.

Sunlight hits my room a lot but not the tank, there is plenty of natural light but no direct sunlight on the tank.

Sprays are minimal, deoderant is mostly used in the bathroom, no air freshners or anything like that.
Raz, reading your story is like reading the story of my own tank. I have had my tank cycled for over a year now, and I have a history of zebra danio and glofish (same thing) not staying alive for very long. I have had a select few that stayed alive a long time, but most seem to only last one to three months, and they grow very skinny and die. I also attempted to go with some Dwarf Gourami, but I had three of them die and stopped trying.

The odd thing is that my Bolivian Rams, Glowlight Tetras, Neon Tetras, and Rasboras have been almost bullet proof. I have not had any die on me almost the entire time. so I have switched to keeping most of my stock choices on those types, and just try to keep a few glofish going at a time.

My tank has been treated with several different types of antibiotics in my attempts to save some of the zebras, but nothing ever worked.

I am puzzled by this and was surprised to see you having the same trouble. So you are not alone in this, but I have no answers!
This is what is happening with my zebra danio too he is getting skinny qnd he looks weird I was told that one zebra danio would be fine in my tank by the lfs so he lived alon for 5 months and he is healthy and fat so I got him 2 little friend so he would be happier and the one of the ones that I bought is looking sick but all my other fish are fine, I am really suprised by what is happening sounds like the same thing as you getting skinny curved looks sick.
When my zebras start to go it is quite sudden - they get very skinny seemingly within a week and I then isolate them so that they will not get harrassed. I feel like there is something wrong with the breeding stock, but we are probably in the minority with this problem.
Thanks Gville, depending on how much longer my current gouramis last I may look into those sort of fish for future stockings.

It's very suprising just how many people get these symptons with Danios. If you google "Zebra Danio illnes" and look on various forums there are so many people saying their fish have the same issues of not eating, getting isloated, slowly curving and getting weak then going belly up within a week.

Similr resposnes were in the forums to, lots of people suffering but there is no way to combat it I'm afraid :(

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