So Annoyed With Lfs....


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
I went to get some food today for my new fish and overheard a conversation that was taking place between a fishkeeper asking about what would suitable for a tropical tank.

It is not a shop I use to buy fish but it is close to work so sometimes nip in and get a few bits. The guy was with his kids and started asking about elephant-noses, I thought oh dear here we go!! He asked how big they would get and the guy at the shop, who seemed to know his stuff when he wa talking to someone else, informed him and promptly reserved 2 for him! They did not ask about how easy they are to look after, what conditions or what they are compatible and although I am jumping to conclusions, he did not look as though he knew or had done any research. You can just tell can't you by the questions they are asking?? Tell me if I am wrong but to buy an elephant-nose you have to have done some research and have the tank set-up properly, they are certainly not an impulse buy!!

Just so frustrating when I see this happen, because the LFS owner certainly knew what he was talking about!!
Was at my LFS last week and over heard a conversation, the member of staff reccomended a rtbs and a clown loach to go in with a 94L full of guppys.. i was fairly shocked to say the least
LFS's really wind me up. I went into a P&H once, and watched a member of staff sell 2 Chinese algae eaters to go with some guppies in a 10" cube. They then proceeded to sell 1 lone bronze cory as an algae eater. :crazy:

Usually when I walk into a fish shop I have to blank it all out, or I end up really angry. Why can't they just know what they're doing? :(
LFS's really wind me up. I went into a P&H once, and watched a member of staff sell 2 Chinese algae eaters to go with some guppies in a 10" cube. They then proceeded to sell 1 lone bronze cory as an algae eater. :crazy:

Usually when I walk into a fish shop I have to blank it all out, or I end up really angry. Why can't they just know what they're doing? :(

As far as pets at home goes, they just don't get any training whatsoever. It's expected of the staff to pick it up as they go along. They're taught to ask for tank sizes and how long it's set up, and do you have any plants? after that, they're on their own.

I've found by talking to staff in these shops that most of them are eager to learn, if you go up to them and say "well actually I really wouldn't suggest keeping guppies with rtbs because blahblahblah" they'll usually make note of it.
Lets face it, nobody wants to be the guy/gal who sold that person loads of fish that all got eaten, thats heavy on the conscience, so next time, let them know what they've done wrong (in a non accusing tone, preferable)
LFS's really wind me up. I went into a P&H once, and watched a member of staff sell 2 Chinese algae eaters to go with some guppies in a 10" cube. They then proceeded to sell 1 lone bronze cory as an algae eater.

Usually when I walk into a fish shop I have to blank it all out, or I end up really angry. Why can't they just know what they're doing?

As far as pets at home goes, they just don't get any training whatsoever. It's expected of the staff to pick it up as they go along. They're taught to ask for tank sizes and how long it's set up, and do you have any plants? after that, they're on their own.

I've found by talking to staff in these shops that most of them are eager to learn, if you go up to them and say "well actually I really wouldn't suggest keeping guppies with rtbs because blahblahblah" they'll usually make note of it.
Lets face it, nobody wants to be the guy/gal who sold that person loads of fish that all got eaten, thats heavy on the conscience, so next time, let them know what they've done wrong (in a non accusing tone, preferable)


I was in a LFS yesterday where a guy was bagging up 2 BGK's and 3 Elephant-noses for this guys 55 gallon cube tank.... I couldn't let it happen... I butted in and told him everything I knew about BGK's and Elephants... he left with some guppies instead :) his kids were still happy due to all the pretty colours, and a correct ratio of 3 Females to 1 Male (and a breeders trap on the house, I recommended the LFS GIVE it to him after such POOR advice to begin with)...

I was then offered a job, hehe.
Good catch. Well done on that one, and everyone was a winner in the end.

And you lucky swine, every time I'm in my lfs they say "we could do with someone like you".. every time I say "sign me up" but it's always the same story. Crappy management doesn't want to put any more hours on the fish section, even though they REALLY need it.
the thing that sucks about lfs's - we don't want them there because they're useless but if they werent there we wouldnt have fish! or supplies!
I'm glad I have a LFS. i'm also glad that they're willing to learn.

They look after their fish aswell as possible, and soon their having a refurb, so I might be able to get my hands on a cheap 5ft tank.
when they give me bad info, i just pretend to listen. i feel rude when i correct them - i guess my patience sometimes earns me small discounts :good:
Personally i dont blame the LFS in any way, they are afterall there to provide a service, nothing more. They have massive overhead cost and need to sell the fish./equiptment in their shop, they are a business same as any other.

Who i do blame is the buyer, they should research and know what they are doing before they buy things.
The guy at the fish shop i use now is definitely an expert with no bull sales motive, my bro went in to ask about keeping marine fish and he didnt stop talking for about 40 mins (which is good) told him everything hed want to know, said hes been keeping marine fish since he was 11. Rarely go into other places, pets at home sometimes for plants but id deffo stick my nose in if i hear dodgey advice :lol:

Personally i dont blame the LFS in any way, they are afterall there to provide a service, nothing more. They have massive overhead cost and need to sell the fish./equiptment in their shop, they are a business same as any other.

Who i do blame is the buyer, they should research and know what they are doing before they buy things.

See what your saying, but i dont agree, if a person has a fish shop they should atleast have some sort of care for their product, anybody who sells somebody something untruthfully is in the wrong, using their position to influence people to buying something they shouldnt.
I'm pretty packed up with little free-time.. otherwise I would have taken the job at the LFS.. I love their display tanks and I like to share my knowledge with other people!

I agree to an extent, that it should be run as a business... but at the same time you can say - those fish aren't compatible, what about this for your stocking options?? the customers will be happy u gave them solid, truthful advice - and u still make a sale.. it baffles me why some LFS's stock some of the fish they do... I can't see them selling some of these more "oddball" fish to the average fish handler without selling them some mumbo-jumbo on the side... that's what annoys me!
Yes well i'm more of the midset of....if you the buyer has absolutely no idea of the product you are buying, more fool you for getting caught with something unsuitable, and serves you right.

I have also seen many cases, actually far more than them giving not quite accurate advice, at my lfs where the workers will state something may not be the best idea, only to be dismissed with 'this is what i want and i'm gonna have it' attitude. I've also been there when that same person comes back a week later to go off their brain that, it died, it ate all my ?, etc

There is no excuse for people to be caught out, there are plenty of ways to research something

I would no more buy a house without research, than buy a fish or equipment. I would have none to blame but myself if i got caught. To easy to blame someone else no days for your own laziness in becoming familiar with a product!
Yes well i'm more of the midset of....if you the buyer has absolutely no idea of the product you are buying, more fool you for getting caught with something unsuitable, and serves you right.

I have also seen many cases, actually far more than them giving not quite accurate advice, at my lfs where the workers will state something may not be the best idea, only to be dismissed with 'this is what i want and i'm gonna have it' attitude. I've also been there when that same person comes back a week later to go off their brain that, it died, it ate all my ?, etc

There is no excuse for people to be caught out, there are plenty of ways to research something

I would no more buy a house without research, than buy a fish or equipment. I would have none to blame but myself if i got caught. To easy to blame someone else no days for your own laziness in becoming familiar with a product!

I understand where you're coming from... but if you were a parent with kids nagging u about fish that you didnt want... would you bother researching? or go to a pet shop with SHOULD have knowledgable people working for them?

Pet shop workers should know about what they are selling, just like a waiter/waitress knows about the food on the menu. it comes down to proper training. if the workers don't know the answers, get the manager who WILL know all the stuff..
Yes well i'm more of the midset of....if you the buyer has absolutely no idea of the product you are buying, more fool you for getting caught with something unsuitable, and serves you right.

I have also seen many cases, actually far more than them giving not quite accurate advice, at my lfs where the workers will state something may not be the best idea, only to be dismissed with 'this is what i want and i'm gonna have it' attitude. I've also been there when that same person comes back a week later to go off their brain that, it died, it ate all my ?, etc

There is no excuse for people to be caught out, there are plenty of ways to research something

I would no more buy a house without research, than buy a fish or equipment. I would have none to blame but myself if i got caught. To easy to blame someone else no days for your own laziness in becoming familiar with a product!

I understand where you're coming from... but if you were a parent with kids nagging u about fish that you didnt want... would you bother researching? or go to a pet shop with SHOULD have knowledgable people working for them?

Pet shop workers should know about what they are selling, just like a waiter/waitress knows about the food on the menu. it comes down to proper training. if the workers don't know the answers, get the manager who WILL know all the stuff..

I agree with both of you. Anyone MUST have some basic understanding when it comes to buying a product, caring for it, using it in the right way, etc. I'm new to fish keeping, so I read a lot online about fish types, compatibility, diseases, etc, and I ask a ton of questions when I go to to a LPS, but BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY I HEAR CONTRADICTING INFORMATION EVERY TIME I TALK TO THEM. For instance I went to 2 Petsmarts (US) today and asked about LED lighting in a new Marineland tank. One person at one store said that my fish and my plants would be totaly fine with LEDs, and the other person at the other store said fish would be fine but plants would not grow properly. To make things completely confusing for me another store had told me that high power fluorescent bulbs are required for the fish and plants to stay healthy and no other lighting is good enough. :no: :grr: :crazy: :crazy: What annoys me is that they all say "we have had billions of freshwater and saltwater tanks since the dawn of time."

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