so addictive!!!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2004
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10 gallon tank!
cycle went great!

1 silver molly that developed tons of black spots - Confused
1 gold dust molly - Goldy
2 male guppies and 1 female guppy - hewie dewie and lewie
2 rainbow tetras - milo (blue) otis (pink)
2 black neon tetras - ren and stimpy
2 neon tetras - curly and larry (moe encounted the filter)

and of course snails. I started with 6, I have found two empty shells and I can only find two bigger snails. ( i had to treat tank with quick-cure and it killed the others i assume) and I just recently discovered loads of baby snails. Right now they are no harm, they are so small you can barely see them, and they are cleaning!! My tank has never been so shiny!!!!

:D so happy


If it were me, I'd pluck those snails out as they quickly multiply, and your tank might be overrun by them. And keep an eye on those water parameters, and keep up with the water changes!

thank you very much.
I know a lot of people want to rid the snails, but i like them. I know I will end up with way to many but all I have to do right now is syphon through the gravel and they will come right up and out of the tank cause they are so small. they are doing no harm. Also another way to get rid of them is putting a piece of cucumber in the tank over night and all the snails will go to that. But right now, I have no problem with them and I think it makes the tank look even nicer and more real.
I dont have to do any more water changes, then the regular once a week. My water levels are perfect.
And why keep an eye on my water peremeters? My tank is fine and I have nothing to worry about! :) Everything went along GREAT.

thanks for the compliments knuckelhead and cometcattle !!!
keep you posted if anything changes or gets better lol
what do you mean same substrate? *clueless*lol as usual.

the pic makes the tank look really big but its only a 10 gallon!!! it is a perfect size for me right now!! might be getting a 20 gallon this week, not sure yet!!
thanks thanks!
Sorry i meant your white and blue gravel just like mine, i'm hoping to change to sand soon though. and i know what you mean about upgrading i want to as well
:cool: tank!

substrate is the same thing as gravel. It just means whatever you use for the bottom of your tank, whether it be gravel, sand, coral, etc. :D
angel_eyes0857 said:
thank you very much.
I know a lot of people want to rid the snails, but i like them. I know I will end up with way to many but all I have to do right now is syphon through the gravel and they will come right up and out of the tank cause they are so small. they are doing no harm. Also another way to get rid of them is putting a piece of cucumber in the tank over night and all the snails will go to that. But right now, I have no problem with them and I think it makes the tank look even nicer and more real.
I dont have to do any more water changes, then the regular once a week. My water levels are perfect.
And why keep an eye on my water peremeters? My tank is fine and I have nothing to worry about! :) Everything went along GREAT.

thanks for the compliments knuckelhead and cometcattle !!!
keep you posted if anything changes or gets better lol
Sorry if I offended you with my responses. The reason I said to keep an eye on the water parms is because that seems like a lot of fish for the 10 gallon tank. Looks like you know what you're doing, so I'll shut my cakehole now.
lol its all good
i just didnt know what you meant, so sorry too

nina!! where you been? have you seen the pics of the baby hamsters on my thread? That thread is almost done cause its on its last page lol

substrate=bottom, how easy was that!! haha i feel :S lol
cool i love the blue and white rocks!

thanks guys! :fun:

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