snowflake eel or moray eel?


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
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will a snowflake eel or a moray eel be compatible with my 4 inch oscar? i plan on upgrading to a 75 gallon+ tank, but i only have a 30 with a lot of rocks and hiding places right now. how big are they when you buy them? how much do they cost? also, i have tiny crushed shells at the bottom of my tank...will they be okay?

Snowflake Eel (Echidna nebulosa).

Snowflake Eels or Freshwater Moray Eels are Brakish water fish that will eat smaller fish like Barbs and can reach up to 28" or more. They are a predatory bottom dweller that requires plenty of shelter for hiding. A carnivore, this eel's diet consists mainly of crustaceans such as shrimps and crabs, but it may eat smaller fish if the opportunity arises. Unlike other moray species that have sharp pointed teeth for grasping onto prey, even though the Snowflake Eel has blunt or flattened teeth designed for grinding up shelled invertebrate prey, primarily crabs, shrimps and mollusks, it nonetheless has a nasty strong bite. Moray Eels are large salt water fish so they are also out of the question. How about a species of Asain Spined Eels, like a Fire Eel?
how big do fire eels get? if i only have an oscar, i would be able to keep a snowflake eel or a moray eel, right? i have done a ton of research and nothing tells me that I can't. i want something large enough that will be interesting to look at. any suggestions?
jpd1489 said:
i would be able to keep a snowflake eel or a moray eel, right?
NO, both fish require salt in their water, one BRAKISH and one SALTWATER. Fire Eels -


These fish grow rather large so they are not realistically suited to an average sized aquarium. They prey on small fish. Given the chance, they can and will crawl out of your aquarium, so be sure to keep the lid on securely. These fish are very shy but can be tamed, as can so many fish, with both patience and food. When keeping eels, be sure to pay particularly good attention to water quality since they have sensitive mucus, which if damaged, can lead to big disease problems. As these fish like to dig and even bury themselves, it is also not wise to use sharp gravel which can damage the fish. As with other eels, these fish mix well when young but get aggressive when larger. Size: 40". Maybe try the smaller Peacock Eels which only reach 12-14".
what about tire track eels? or bichirs? i want a fish that will grow really big. I plan to get a larger aquarium down the road. but so far, the fish that i have gotten haven't grown much. How big will an eel grow in a year? i am really interested in snake-like fish. give me any suggestions...of interesting oddball fish that grow quite large.
jpd1489 said:
what about tire track eels? or bichirs? i want a fish that will grow really big. I plan to get a larger aquarium down the road. but so far, the fish that i have gotten haven't grown much. How big will an eel grow in a year? i am really interested in snake-like fish. give me any suggestions...of interesting oddball fish that grow quite large.
Birchirs will all exceed 15" and can reach 20"+ depending on the species. Tyre Track Eels and Fire Eels are the big fish, Fire Eels reach 40" like a just said.
Birchirs will all exceed 15" and can reach 20"+ depending on the species.
what are good bichirs to buy that will get over 20 inches? how big are they when you buy them? how much do they cost?

what are good bichirs to buy that will get over 20 inches? how big are they when you buy them? how much do they cost?
Polypterus ornatipinnis get to the biggest size at about 24". But unless you are certain you can provide the room you should stick away from these fish. A 75g is bare minimum for Oscars so I would look into upgrading.
Can I just point out that rocks & Oscars do not go together unless the rocks are VERY stable, either sir oscar will dig and knock over rocks , ram them into the glass or just pick them up and spit them at the glass, this would probably break the tank and , well you can work the rest out for yourself!!!!!!
Can I just point out that rocks & Oscars do not go together unless the rocks are VERY stable, either sir oscar will dig and knock over rocks[\QUOTE]

all the rocks thqat i have in my aquarium are twice the size of my oscar, and even i have trouble picking them up, let alone my oscar!

how much do ornate birchirs cost? what size will they be when i buy them?
he might not be able to pick them up but he IS able to dig, and this can cause rocks to fall over, just trying to warn you. I've kept Oscars for years and speak from experience. Also we rescued fire ell a while back, the owners put him in with an oscar who thought pasta was on the menu & the ell was bigger than the Oscar. again I dont want to preach but i think you may have problems putting eel like fish with an Oscar.
forget about my oscars.....i am concerntrating on finding info on oddball fish to put in my aquarium

anyways, will ornate bichirs be over a foot when they are sold? how much do they cost!!!???
No, probably 4 inches at the most. You could ask Tri-mar, they can get in larger fish sometimes. Birchirs are quite quick growers so f you have another tank just to grow him up in then he will be fine or you could put a tank divider in and then they will get used to each other without be able to eat each other

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