Snow Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2005
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Piscataway, NJ
Well atleast I think thats what it is blue however. The problem I'm having is, I only have one and he sometime swims full force into the school of neons and black neons and chases them for a few seconds. Any thoughts on why?
I am guessing, because I'd never heard the common name "Snow Tetra" before, but it may be yet another common name for Gymnocorymbus ternetzi also known as Black Widow/Black Skirt tetra - an albino version. The fact that it is blue suggests it is one of the artificially dyed examples.

Even if that is not the case, from your message, it sounds like you have just one? Shoaling fish like small tetras need to be kept in groups. Typically 6 fish. Kept in small numbers, many can be quite aggressive.
Rule of thumb for any Tetras species is 5 minimum IMO. Some are exceptions but most you'll want to get in larger schools. Otherwise you get stress and aggression problems from lonely fish.
I really don't want 5 of them. I like them, but..the fish place I use is one of the best on the east coast (well i use it now) and I was reassured they werent juiced at all (no dye added). Im not sure I believe it or not, but thats what he said. I should probably just bring it back, right?
Gymnocorymbus ternetzi is either basically black, hence "Black Widow" or white, an albino. This species is very frequently dyed. Blueberry, Strawberry, Fruit Loop, you name it. If the fish you have is G. ternetzi, (and we are still not sure), and it is blue - it is dyed, and you know your shop is lying to you.

There are some pictures of them, including the long finned variety, (also man made), in the index here.

If you don't want ot get more, I would think returning it will be better for you and the fish.

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