

New Member
Mar 24, 2006
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just wanted to see what info peeps could give me on snakeheads.

anyone with piccies? :thumbs:

would love to see other peeps snakeheads.


sorry no pics, but i have a common snakehead, CHANNA STRIATA . hes very intelegent, hes only a baby still, but hes so personable, he looks very mean too :p eats LOADS, they make very good companions for bichirs :)
The majority of snakehead species are very aggressive and should only be kept singularly in a species tank, the exceptions to this are the dwarf snakeheads such as Channa gachua and Channa bleheri which can be add to community tank of LARGER fish.

Was there anything in particular you wanted to know?
just how to sex them really?? as i never did find out what the difference was :rolleyes:

im after a pair of the galaxy blue and red snakeheads.

ive kept the red channa micropellet before and from the moment i got them i was hooked and have been ever since :thumbs:

but would love to get to know everything about these snakeheads...

thanks to all of you for your help...

debbie :wub:
Most snakehead species cannot be sexed by external characteristics unless you actually see them in the act of spawning when the sexual organs are distended but as a general rule females are bigger and fatter than males.
I have a blue galaxy snake head (or at least this is what it was sold to me as). He is extremely shy and I have NEVER seen him eat. I have tried him on prawns, white bait, lance fisg etc. but have never seen him eat. Any suggestions? He also seems to be very dumb, although he may just be acting.
where is the best place online to get them? My local LFS only sell the Red's
That's right, I remember reading that... oh well -_-

I'll stick with the fish I have - they're plenty of fun! :thumbs:
I'm looking to get some oddballs to fit a 264l tank, but decision is a problem, would one of the less aggressive ones be ok with either a smaller bichir or a peacock spiney eel?
I keep a 'blue galaxy snakehead' (or so it was advertised) with several spineys so I am sure that the eel would be fine. Not sure about the birchir though.
i know they are fine, but whilst the snakehead is small, as soon as aggression shows, move the snakehead imidiatly, just to show u all just what u could be getting into, here is a picture i got off the internet of a common snakehead, he isnt full sized yet

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