Snakehead Tankmates...

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Shrimpy Shrimp
Apr 20, 2007
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Do bristlenose plecs make good tankmates for Channa Bleheri? Or will they be destroyed? lol

Do bristlenose plecs make good tankmates for Channa Bleheri? Or will they be destroyed? lol


Bleheri are really quite peaceful, BN's will be fine with them :)
are there any other fish i can keep with them? :good:
Any fish which doesn't look like a snakehead, and isn't small enough to becomelunch will be fine. I have kept dwarf snakeheads with all sorts of things from gouramis to upside down catfish to bala sharks and chalceus.
Any fish which doesn't look like a snakehead, and isn't small enough to becomelunch will be fine. I have kept dwarf snakeheads with all sorts of things from gouramis to upside down catfish to bala sharks and chalceus.

Ah right, wicked. :good: cheers.
Any thing specific Esfa?
Mine lives happy with a bunch of things. There was a fair bit of trouble between him and the climbing perch, but things have settled down nicely now.
Any thing specific Esfa?
Mine lives happy with a bunch of things. There was a fair bit of trouble between him and the climbing perch, but things have settled down nicely now.

nah i was just wondering. It's for my mate who's setting up a 4ft for a snakehead and he wanted to know what other fish he could have with it. :good:
so long as the potential tank mate is about half his body size its off the menu, then you have to be looking if the tank mates too aggressive or boisterous. In both cases it will cause the channa to hide, defeating the point of the snakehead tank :)
im also looking for tankmates for snakeheads, (channa bleheri) i thought about climbing perch what other tankmates are suitable preferably small ish predators i.e. can fit in a 240l with my channa bleheri?

im also looking for tankmates for snakeheads, (channa bleheri) i thought about climbing perch what other tankmates are suitable preferably small ish predators i.e. can fit in a 240l with my channa bleheri?


Please give examples of fish you like, we can't just tell you all the fish that can go with channa we would be here forever.
any small (around 15-25) cm predatory fish really something that great to watch feeding and visitors will enjoy watching

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