Snake Lovers - Got An Extra $150,000 Laying Around

Payment can be arranged after the sale of the auction. We accept cash, cashiers checks, or money orders for this item.

$150,000 in cash?! I know I wouldn't wanna travel to the zoo with that much money in my pocket (or brief case rather). For some reason I don't think it will go for that price though it will probably catch at least $25.000 or so.
Via the news The snake or if you want snakes was purchased for a considerable less amount.... $16,000. comes to mind, don't quote me, it was really early in the am when I heard the news. Notice I said heard I wasn't ready to open my eyes that early in the morning. :-(
The minimum bid is $150,000 so unless someone emails them and they agree to a lower amount, it won't sell. Since they've had it for over 6 years, I can't see them selling it for much less. They'd probably just keep it if thay can't get what they want.

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