Snake Help

I can't get my dragon to eat any of the veg now. Hes doing my nut in :p
Lol that happens. Put the veg dish into wherever you feed, put crickets into the veg: cant help but eat the veg as a result.
Hmm, Never thought of that. Will give that a go.
Well gezz, It worked :p He got the bug and went for the salad too :p
Try different foods as well, long lists of safe foods around and different dragons prefer different things!
Still think the most amusing was fish and chips though!
Was at friends and the two beardies always had free run of the lounge whilst we ate and watched a film! Was hilarious watching them zoom about chasing each other. More so when friend went out the room leaving her food on the arm of the sofa and the female beardie climbed up the side of the sofa, grabbed the fish and disappeared again with it! Managed to get post of it off them....
Apprently she did that and managed to eat a poached egg once, apparently went right through her... messy business!! >.<
xD Love dragons, I take mines out to run about but he ends up just sitting there watching you.
I think its possible something to do with his damaged foot.
I got a ton of those roaches but how do I take care of them/breed them?
Pdf of their care:,d.d2k

We use a sweater box from Tesco, some toilet roll tubes and some egg cartons

Feed on bug grub (literally its name) along with fruit n veg (this is also good for critters that dont eat veg naturally, feed it to your crix too, its called gut loading.)

You also get water gel: it is weird jelly water, easy to manage for bugs and they cannot drown in the stuff.

Keep yourself a 3-4 females and 2 male adults minimum for breeding. Soon enough you will find little beggers wandering around. Feed these, making sure you leave a few each tine along to grow bigger. Leave some of the bigger ones to become adults. Cycle of life. Takes around 6 months to reach maturity and an adult lives for about 18 months easily.
Well, I got around 20 of them. So yea, If it takes 6 months I might need a lot more....
If you have some that are near an inch or bigger, you have adults. You'll be surprised how quickly they start making babies.
I have many adults, But I also see a few small ones running around.
Should I get myself a large plastic box for them to live in then?XD
Get two: one roughly A4 or a bit bigger, other A5 in footprint. Move small babies into smaller tub, graduating to big tub when they grow. Makes life easy.
I haven't been on this thread in a while. How are you enjoying him.
Nice corn snake man! Im keeping mine in a exo terra, i had a heat light on it but i took it off.
A corn snake that size could eat an adult mouse once in three weeks. Corn snakes get too fat very easily, so one in every three weeks would probably be more suitable.
And, I wouldn't recommend feeding him in his terrarium. The most corn snake owners have a separate feeding box. It can be as simple as a plastic storage box with air holes in the lid. Corn snakes may accidentally swallow some of the bottom material if they eat a wet mouse in their terrarium, in which can cause a painful death due to bowel obstruction.
If you don't feel conforttable moving it to a separate feeding box (just for the feeding), then you could also use a some kind of plate or something like that what you would put the mouse on. :)
I myself have three corn snakes, a 1,5-year-old, which eats every 10 to 14 days, a 4-year-old which eats every 14 to 18 days and a 6-year-old whish eats every 3 to 4 weeks. They eat in large buckets.

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