

Fish Fanatic
May 23, 2011
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I have a juwel lido 120 planted aquairum, that in recent months has had a snail out break. I have bought some assassin snails which don't seem to have made a difference and have disappered into the plants and stopped feeding for 2 days per week.


6 leapard daninos
1 Dwarf gourami
1 betta
4 BN catfish
3 swords
6 assassin snails
3 cherry shrimp


4 x flake and catfish food per week
1 x blood worn frozen
wednesday and sunday no food

Tank stats:

Temp 27c
PH 6.5
Ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 20

Tank maintance

2x 25% water changes per week.

My question is would a snail trap be worth using, if so which one or could i add a loach of some kind?
I wouldnt bother.

First of all, loaches should never be used as a solution.

Secondly, ive learned to appreciate all life in my tanks! maybe you should try, its fun!
i had a bit of a snail infestation problem, they seem to have died down a bit now though, if i see any big ones then i have to crush the pests, the fishys love a little snail snack ;) lol
Thanks for the replies.

Does my tank look overstocked?
If the tank isnt heavily set up and matured then take it to bits and boil eveything, sand wood and stones, replace plants and soak in double strength moluscicide solution for 20-30mins before planting. - extreme (I have done this when I have moved house with no ill effects, rotting wood etc) but effective!

Use an in water snail treatment - extreme, read the label carefully!

Get a shoal of Tiger Barbs - bit extreme but satisfying they butchered the contents of one of my 260l tanks a few years back literally overnight and left just empty shells.

Wait until night time and net, tweezer or handle them out over time, safest and cheapest but the slowest way.

Have actually done all of these thinking about it, keep an eye out for them and nail them before they get established.
I keep reading that throwing in a piece of lettuce overnight will attract a bunch and you can toss them in the mornings till you feel in control again. I don't know if that's a permanent solution but it seems like an easy way to start.
I have about 10 big pest snails in my tank now but keep the population down by wiping out any eggs they leave me.
If the tank isnt heavily set up and matured then take it to bits and boil eveything, sand wood and stones, replace plants and soak in double strength moluscicide solution for 20-30mins before planting. - extreme (I have done this when I have moved house with no ill effects, rotting wood etc) but effective!

Use an in water snail treatment - extreme, read the label carefully!

Get a shoal of Tiger Barbs - bit extreme but satisfying they butchered the contents of one of my 260l tanks a few years back literally overnight and left just empty shells.

Wait until night time and net, tweezer or handle them out over time, safest and cheapest but the slowest way.

Have actually done all of these thinking about it, keep an eye out for them and nail them before they get established.

Firstly, you DO NOT boil anything that goes in your tank. Your wood will break down and rot, and rocks and stones can explode if there are any air pockets inside. Its a lethal exersice. Pour boiling water over, scrub, and pour again. As in another thread recently, i can tell you from personal experience how it feels to have shrapnel removed from your body, and its not pretty. And rock splinters can be minescule and still embedd in the skin.

Secondly, please dont introduce anything to your tank to deal with a problem a fishkeeper can handle. Snail infestations are an indication of overfeeding. If you reduce feeding, the snails will reduce.

Best method is to either squash them and let the fish puick them out of the shells, or place a leaf of lettuce in the tank overnight, and by the morning most of them will be on it, lift out and chuck in the garden. Do this several times until you have a population you are happy with. Several smnails are quite healthy for an aquarium.
slice a carrot down the middle length ways, leave it in boiling water from the kettle for half an hour, stab it with a fork and leave it in the tank over night. You "should" have snails on it in the morning, remove it, scrape off the snails and plop it back in for another go. (Other veg already mentioned work well too)

Any snails you see on the glass, just pop them with your finger and let the corpses drop to the bottom, the fish will eat them.

Dont add any fish to do the job.
If the tank isnt heavily set up and matured then take it to bits and boil eveything, sand wood and stones, replace plants and soak in double strength moluscicide solution for 20-30mins before planting. - extreme (I have done this when I have moved house with no ill effects, rotting wood etc) but effective!

Use an in water snail treatment - extreme, read the label carefully!

Get a shoal of Tiger Barbs - bit extreme but satisfying they butchered the contents of one of my 260l tanks a few years back literally overnight and left just empty shells.

Wait until night time and net, tweezer or handle them out over time, safest and cheapest but the slowest way.

Have actually done all of these thinking about it, keep an eye out for them and nail them before they get established.

Firstly, you DO NOT boil anything that goes in your tank. Your wood will break down and rot, and rocks and stones can explode if there are any air pockets inside. Its a lethal exersice. Pour boiling water over, scrub, and pour again. As in another thread recently, i can tell you from personal experience how it feels to have shrapnel removed from your body, and its not pretty. And rock splinters can be minescule and still embedd in the skin.

Secondly, please dont introduce anything to your tank to deal with a problem a fishkeeper can handle. Snail infestations are an indication of overfeeding. If you reduce feeding, the snails will reduce.

Best method is to either squash them and let the fish puick them out of the shells, or place a leaf of lettuce in the tank overnight, and by the morning most of them will be on it, lift out and chuck in the garden. Do this several times until you have a population you are happy with. Several smnails are quite healthy for an aquarium.

As pointed out, first few are extreme last two are safest and easiest.

Been keeping fish 30 years and never had anything fall apart after boiling, as for the tiger barbs I discovered this as I was getting them anyway it wasnt an experiment.......

There is always one on the internet regardless of subject thathas to correct a passing conversation.

Peace out smart #16#####.
There is always one on the internet regardless of subject thathas to correct a passing conversation.

Peace out smart #16#####.

Calm down, big man. If you're not comfortable with someone disagreeing with you, then perhaps an internet discussion board isn't the place to hang out.
I just crush them when I find them, the fish go nuts for the remains!

In a slightly unrelated topic, how are you finding the Lido 120? I'm looking to get a bigger tank soon and the Lido 120 is one of the options I'm looking at.
Reading it back, i could have started in a nicer tone than "Firstly , you dont funkin do this.... etc" lol

BUT, i dont take back what i said, still daft. Cheers for the defence TLM, as Tizer says, has to be one ;)

And "McAl" your comment on me "correcting" you, implies you know we were right. Slight confliction, but atleast the OP has several ways to deal with his "infestation" now....

Loving the feeling of being a Smart "16" lol
I just crush them when I find them, the fish go nuts for the remains!

In a slightly unrelated topic, how are you finding the Lido 120? I'm looking to get a bigger tank soon and the Lido 120 is one of the options I'm looking at.

The Lido 120 is a great tank. The only thing i am not so happy with is the internal filter, wish i had removed it and got an external alternative.

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