Snails With My Recent Plant Purchase!?!

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Mostly New Member
Jan 9, 2014
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I purchased some plants from, and put them in last Thursday. I didn't see any snails on the plants, but now all the sudden I've seen 6-8 snails in my tank, and they seem to be eating my live plants :( I am still in a fishless cycle, so I haven't been feeding anything into the tank. Should I keep the snails or get rid of them? I know they are good for algae control, but I don't want all my plants with holes in them either....
Get rid of them, they'll overrun your tank if you leave them inside.8 can quite easily become 20.
And 20 can become many many more
Well, you could take the snails out, using methods such as putting in a lettuce leaf and leaving for a while then taking out snails, or pick out snails by hand etc
You CAN use chemicals but not recommended.
If at end of cycle, you still have snails, perhaps some assassin snails will deal with your common snail population. Or, dependant or your tanks size, loaches are good at eating snails, if a small tank perhaps a puffer will be more suitable.
There are a few options anyway.
Personally i don't mind the snails, just had too many of them, then introduced assassin snails, no more common snails after about 4 months!
I know they are good for algae control, but I don't want all my plants with holes in them either....
Even the ones that do eat algae only eat certain forms of algae, treat your tank now with snail killer if you want rid, It shouldn't affect your cycling, or if you have the patients to continually harvest snails to keep numbers in check you can use the lettuce leaf method of attracting them, when they feed on it and are on the leaf you remove them. In future to prevent infestation remove every bit of media that the plants arrive with (rock wool) then rinse thoroughly under tap water, a close inspection, rinse again, then leave in declorinated water for a few hours or overnight then inspect again before planting.
I sympathize
I bought some plants from a popular retailer and then boom, snails eating and destroying plants. Esha snail treatment is the absolute way to go only if you are willing to overdose your tank. Using it as directed will not solve the problem.

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