Snails, Snails, Snnnails!

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Mostly New Member
Dec 7, 2013
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Hi all, looks like the snails have been getting "buzz-ay" and the baby explosion has happened. 
Does anyone have a suggestion for a swift death for these blighters? I would prefer a natural method, like a fish, shrimp or something to eat them that won't get to big (only have a 10Gal). I just don't know what would be best as the bringer of death to these little beasties!
I am open to chemical suggestion, but I would like to try a natural (all be it a gruesome death) solution first.
Thanks in advance all.
Also, they are Pond/Bladder snails.
​Has anyone had an experience with freshwater puffer fish? 
Getting fish to clean up snails is a bad idea. Especially since most, if not all, are too big for that tank.
How much are you feeding? Sometimes the population can explode due to overfeeding.
You can try putting in something like lettuce at night, and remove it in the morning. Should be covered in snails. Slowly but surely the population should deplete.
You can also pick them out by hand.
I don't have experience with freshwater puffers yet but if you are wanting to add that they should be the only species in the tank.
Get a few assassin snails. They'll make short work of them.
Dwarf puffers are a good solution as well, but can be tricky to keep. In a 10 gal, if you were to heavily plant you could have a trio of them (1 male 2 females preferably). They are just really finicky about water params and you have to have a well cycled tank for them. However, not sure if it would be a good idea to just toss DPs in there, as they would eat until they blow up if they could. Also with the snails, you'd need to feed frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, ect. But they are a blast to have, and have quite the personalities.
They are quite aggressive though, and are only meant for a species only tank. 
Best bet is the assassin snails, IMO. 
+1 for assassin snails they cut the numbers back by loads and look good as well 
+1 for the Assassins and the snail attracting food I.e lettuce, plus cucumber works.
Assassins eat about 1 snail a day, breed slowly, and are attractive vs pest snails.
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