snails, shrimp?


Fish Herder
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
boston, MA
i have noticed that i have some green and brown algae growing on the big rock in my tank. the corys aren't doing anything about it, so i was thinking that i need another creature to remove it. i have been reading lots of pros and cons with snails (although i would just get one to avoid a population explosion). i am looking for as much info as i can , i am in no hurry, because i am currently treating my tank for ich.
thanks for all your help!!! :D
Apple snails do a nice job of eating algae but you would need more than one to see any results. as long as you get the right species of snail (Pomacea bridgesii), population explosion wont be a risk as they lay there eggs above the water line in a big clump, so you just remove them as they appear. Go to for loads of usefull info. And dont forget to keep an eye on your stocking levels, a two inch snail produces the same waste as a two inch fish.

Dont think shrimp would be the answer, mine dont seem that interested in algae. BN plecs are good for algae when young but they prefer a wider variety as they get older. That leaves oto's but again, check your stocking b4 adding any.

I've heard Malaysian Trumpet Snails will eat your algae and dying plant leaves, but leaves the healthy parts of the plant alone. Might be an option if you can find any. I can't seem to find any around here.
Trumpets only eat that when there is nothing else left. They're more scavengers than omnivores.
Hi newfishies :)

Perhaps it might be best to stick to cleaning the algae up by hand. Your tank is pretty crowded already, and adding any other living creatures will most likely cause more harm than good.

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