Snails :o


New Member
Apr 28, 2007
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Florida, USA
Soooo thanks everyone for helping me with my tank a few months ago. Everything is going wonderful now.

I actually bought two new fish about 2 months ago.. and what I thought was a tiny rock in the bag was actually a snail..and somehow it got into the tank..

Those 2 months went by and I totally forgot about the snail..until one day I noticed it sitting on one of the rocks.. and then I noticed another..and another.. and now.. I have about 12 snails..big..and little.. in my tank..and those are just the visible ones..

I need some advice on how to get rid of them all!!! (but I don't want to kill them if it's possible)

take them out with your hands and stick them in a pond or
down the toilet :p <--- BAD ADVICE FROM ME Read below :(

You could consider putting in some cucumber or Romanian lettuce,
wait a few hours and they should hopefully be on there for you to take out.

I would seriously recommend removing the babies when they are small, I prefer the squish method,
I hate to kill also but needs must.

Don't use chemicals as they are harmfull to the fish

Hope that helps.
bottom line is. ur in a heap of trouble if ur tank is planted and you dont get rid of them. plus if they are a garden variety which has been known as im am told can breed by themselves.
a few pakistani loaches would do pretty well at keeping the numbers down. or maybe some clown loaches if there is enoguh room. but personally i would get rid of them asap. dont feel sorry for them being eaten. they dont feel sorry for your plants. whioch will eventually suffer in good time. if you really feel that bad. a peice of crab meat tied to a rock will grab there attention. simple add a few at night and when you wake up the following morning take them out and replace. them. chances are when you go to check them they will be sworming with snails if the problem is that bad as of yet. but trust me it only gets worse if you decide to leave them.
i hope io have helped you out.
good luck and post back to see if it worked.,
There's really nothing you can do but remove them and toss them. Sounds mean, but they are a huge aquarium pest... I've gone through a battle just because one little tiny one got in on a new plant. That was about 3 months ago..... it's been hell since. The little buggers multiply like rabbits and will take over your tank if you're not aggressive with them. I pick them out, one by one, and throw them away.

maybe i'll hand pick the big ones out and vacuum the rest.. idk.. my tank is due for a water change.. i live on a lake..maybe i'll just throw them all out

one is cute. 34 are not.
it does,
but if you use cucumber Boil it for a few min then it will sink,

but you could just put a weight onto it,

Lead weights for plants etc..
If you get a piece of cucumber, and blanch it (boil in water for 2 mins to remove the air), it will sink :good:

Just place it in the tank wherever, and leave it in overnight. Then take it out in the morning, covered in snails :lol:

Repeat this for a couple of days, it should help alot :good:



maybe i'll hand pick the big ones out and vacuum the rest.. idk.. my tank is due for a water change.. i live on a lake..maybe i'll just throw them all out

one is cute. 34 are not.

I pray that you were just joking about dumping them in the lake..... but.... on the off chance you weren't kidding, please don't even consider it. It would be much kinder, in the long run, to dump them in your trash bag, than to dump them in the lake, and possibly throw off your eco-system if they continue to multiply. It's no joke that you should never release an aquarium fish/critter into a public water system. Same reason you shouldn't get them into your plumbing. Just throw them away.

maybe i'll hand pick the big ones out and vacuum the rest.. idk.. my tank is due for a water change.. i live on a lake..maybe i'll just throw them all out

one is cute. 34 are not.

I pray that you were just joking about dumping them in the lake..... but.... on the off chance you weren't kidding, please don't even consider it. It would be much kinder, in the long run, to dump them in your trash bag, than to dump them in the lake, and possibly throw off your eco-system if they continue to multiply. It's no joke that you should never release an aquarium fish/critter into a public water system. Same reason you shouldn't get them into your plumbing. Just throw them away.

oh wow.. i was actually being serious, but thanks for warning me. in that case, i'll definately flush them :)

i just went through and picked out about 6 of them that i could find. i know for a fact there are 11 visible ones because my fiancee counted them last night.. my guppies are looking at me like i'm crazy! haha
in that case, i'll definately flush them :)

No! No! No!!!!!

As I said above, you should never flush a fish/critter either. That is still introducing them to the eco-system. What are you going to do if snails attach to your plumbing and start breeding in the traps? How are you going to get them out? And worse still, if they go through the wastewater system, go through the influent and effluent process and are then set free in the river?

All water systems are connected. The water you see in your local river has probably passed through a wastewater treatment plant. Please be careful about these things. :good:
in that case, i'll definately flush them :)

No! No! No!!!!!

As I said above, you should never flush a fish/critter either. That is still introducing them to the eco-system. What are you going to do if snails attach to your plumbing and start breeding in the traps? How are you going to get them out? And worse still, if they go through the wastewater system, go through the influent and effluent process and are then set free in the river?

All water systems are connected. The water you see in your local river has probably passed through a wastewater treatment plant. Please be careful about these things. :good:

yeahh i thought about that after I posted it. haha. I've been throwing them away in my trash can :)

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