Snails Leaving Weird Things Around My Aquarium


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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id post a picture but the attachments option doesnt show up here and im not on speaking terms with photobucket (i just dont use it ;) ). i have white sand in my 10 gallon and iv noticed that for a while now there have been these little things in the tank that look and act kinda like flags flying in the wind (current).... my geuss is that the snails have been leaving slime trails here and there and the sand has gotten stuck to them. it never really bothered me that much until i just lookded over to see one of them crawling up the glass with one of these trailing things hanging from his shell, and it was about 2 1/2 inches long. ridiculous. is my hypothesis right? i only see these things in tanks that have snails. its starting to bother me now :crazy: do i just get rid of my snails. i forget what species they are. gime a sec and ill get back with you on that :good:
Bladder/Tadpole/Pouch Snails - Family Physidae. thats what the ID pinned topic has led me to believe they are. and these trailing things im talking about are not egg clutches, i know that much for sure.

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