Snails/Fry eaters


Fish Crazy
Mar 26, 2004
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Washington State
I have so many snails in my 10 gallon, I can't believe it! I am going to move everybody to a 20 gallon to accomodate them and the fry, but I'd like to add something that will 1) eat snail and 2) eat any more fry that come to be. I love them and all, but I can see that it can get out of control FAST! Would an angel fish be a good addition? Currently I have:
1 male guppy/1 female
1 balloon belly molly
1 male platy/1 female
3 neon tetras
8-10 guppy/molly fry
No angel fish its too small I would sugest a dwarf puffer if you get rid of the male guppy. you would be best with two tanks to hold the fish one with like a comet or something that you can feed the fry to and one where you make the fry.

:sick: That is sick man,before killing innocent little fish,contact your LFS,and see if they will buy them. Dont just get rid of a life,just cause it's an inconvience
I have contacted them and the will only take them as feeder fish. Nobody I know wants to take them, and at the rate they multiply, they will take up my whole house if I keep them all. I don't want to take them to the LFS to get sold as food. I think I'd rather let them be born in my tank and one of my fish eat them. That is nature after all...isn't it? Is wanting the snails to get eaten is mean too? Sorry...not trying to offend or make anyone sick...
Sorry man,didnt know the full story ;) . I thought you just wanted to kill them just cause they were crowding it. :) Stupid me :(
opcn said:
No angel fish its too small I would sugest a dwarf puffer if you get rid of the male guppy. you would be best with two tanks to hold the fish one with like a comet or something that you can feed the fry to and one where you make the fry.

Good call. Question, why move the male guppy?
Drac39 said:
Sorry man,didnt know the full story ;) . I thought you just wanted to kill them just cause they were crowding it. :) Stupid me :(
No, I really love the little babies. I couldn't actually take them out of their tank and "feed" them to another fish, but if nature is just taking it's course, then that is okay with me. I'm just trying to think ahead a little....
If you get a dwarf puffer (the best snail control avilable for a tank that small) it would see the guppy as a tasty fin snack a CSP (congo spoted puffer) might be okay but they get to be a good 3 inches long and should it ever get to hungry it would not only eat the guppy tail it would eat the whole guppy.

I also have a 29 gallon tank with an opaline gourami, 2 pearl gourami, 3 leopard cory, and 2 paradise gourami. Could I put my dwarf puffer in the 10 gallon, let it eat the snails, then put him in my 29 and do you think he'd get along with the gouramis and stuff? He wouldn't get hungry for a long while...there is honestly 100+ snails in my 10 gal tank, and I've been gravel vaccuming a lot to get the small ones.
opcn said:
No angel fish its too small I would sugest a dwarf puffer if you get rid of the male guppy. you would be best with two tanks to hold the fish one with like a comet or something that you can feed the fry to and one where you make the fry.

Are you suggesting a 'comet' as in the goldfish kind? The ones that need lots of room? 20 gallons per fish? That type of comet?

Why do you want something to kill the snails at all? There are other ways to do it. Put a piece of luttce on the bottom of the tank and turn the lights off. Leave it a couple of hours and lots of snail will be munching on the lettuce. Remove the lettuc. Simple.

As more snails are born you can do it again and again.

I think a puffer is a bad idea, but then I don't like the idea of getting a fish simply for the job it will do in the tank. What about when the snails are gone?

Mesome said:
I have contacted them and the will only take them as feeder fish. Nobody I know wants to take them, and at the rate they multiply, they will take up my whole house if I keep them all. I don't want to take them to the LFS to get sold as food. I think I'd rather let them be born in my tank and one of my fish eat them. That is nature after all...isn't it? Is wanting the snails to get eaten is mean too? Sorry...not trying to offend or make anyone sick...
It's really good to know that you at least tried.
Mesome said:
I also have a 29 gallon tank with an opaline gourami, 2 pearl gourami, 3 leopard cory, and 2 paradise gourami. Could I put my dwarf puffer in the 10 gallon, let it eat the snails, then put him in my 29 and do you think he'd get along with the gouramis and stuff? He wouldn't get hungry for a long while...there is honestly 100+ snails in my 10 gal tank, and I've been gravel vaccuming a lot to get the small ones.
Dwarf puffers are reallly big fin nipper, if you put one in a tank with the gouramis they would loose all of their fins very quickly. Not a good idea :)

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