Fish Crazy
I have so many snails in my 10 gallon, I can't believe it! I am going to move everybody to a 20 gallon to accomodate them and the fry, but I'd like to add something that will 1) eat snail and 2) eat any more fry that come to be. I love them and all, but I can see that it can get out of control FAST! Would an angel fish be a good addition? Currently I have:
1 male guppy/1 female
1 balloon belly molly
1 male platy/1 female
3 neon tetras
8-10 guppy/molly fry
I have so many snails in my 10 gallon, I can't believe it! I am going to move everybody to a 20 gallon to accomodate them and the fry, but I'd like to add something that will 1) eat snail and 2) eat any more fry that come to be. I love them and all, but I can see that it can get out of control FAST! Would an angel fish be a good addition? Currently I have:
1 male guppy/1 female
1 balloon belly molly
1 male platy/1 female
3 neon tetras
8-10 guppy/molly fry