Snails for DP's


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Snails are illegal to sell here in Maine, so it's hard to get them. Is there any other food that Dwarf Puffers will eat that can wear down their beaks like snails?
Dwarf puffer's beaks don't really get big enough so you have to wear them down like other puffers, but they do still grow.. Maybe putting some brineshrimp or bloodworm under a shell of some sort?
Most of the time dwarves just suck snails out of the shells anyways. Mabey collect some wild snails
opcn said:
Most of the time dwarves just suck snails out of the shells anyways. Mabey collect some wild snails
That's a really good idea! I go up to my friend's lakeside cottage in the summer and the rocks in the shallows of the lake have tons of snails! :D :hey:
Can snails actually tolerate brakish waters? Just curious if they die right off when thrown in a salty tank. One LFS told me they cannot tolerate salty water, which makes it seem weird that snails are a food for puffers.
subopposite said:
Can snails actually tolerate brakish waters? Just curious if they die right off when thrown in a salty tank. One LFS told me they cannot tolerate salty water, which makes it seem weird that snails are a food for puffers.
Actually DP's are a fresh water puffer. I'm not sure what brackish or salt water puffers eat. I would assume like was said earlier some other form of mollusk.
Don't think that you can just come over to my house and get snails whenever u want.

I told u the ppl at our lfs would gladley give u some. They get them in on plants on the time. Just ask them.

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