Snails! Argh!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hey guys. Howz it going?

I HATE SNAILS. Like... I HATE THEM!!!!!! Does anyone have any tips whatsoever on how to GET RID OF THEM FOR GOOD?! Or are they just an annoying PEST that I'm just going to have to get used to? Admittedly, my tank (the one with the snail issue) has many plants in it, and I think they come from the plants. But they breed in my filter or... wherever AND I HATE THEM! I want them gone FOREVER! The only thing we've done is to pick them out by hand (well, my fiance does that because I hate touching them) and clean as many as we can out of the filter, but they always seem to return! WHY?!!!

I have considered putting in some of those chemicals that are meant to get rid of them, but I'd be really worried about hurting my fish.

Any other tips or ideas?! I want the snails GONE!

BTW, I haven't been on these forums in ages, so hi everyone! =P Hope you're all doing well! :p
I'm having a similar problem, a couple came in with my plants when i first set up, and i thought, "never mind, they'll keep the tank clean"

Now i have a constant job of removing them. I took about 20 or 30 out yesterday, and this morning removed a similar number again!

I had thought about getting fish to feed on them, but I can't keep enough clown loaches to keep them happy in a tank as small as mine.

I might try a snail trap soon, see what happens.
I'm having a similar problem, a couple came in with my plants when i first set up, and i thought, "never mind, they'll keep the tank clean"

Now i have a constant job of removing them. I took about 20 or 30 out yesterday, and this morning removed a similar number again!

I had thought about getting fish to feed on them, but I can't keep enough clown loaches to keep them happy in a tank as small as mine.

I might try a snail trap soon, see what happens.

A snail trap?? How does that work?!

We have loaches in our big tank, and I was tempted to give them the snails to eat (as revenge. Seriously, I'm mad about this snail infestation. LOL), but I decided not to risk it. The tank that all the snails are in, though, is too small to fit any snail-eating fish in :( , which is annoying. I don't think I'll be getting anymore new plants for a while. But if you happen to find something that works in getting rid of the horrible things for good, then PLEASE LET ME KNOW! :good: :p

cleekdaFish: The tank is too small, and I don't think the fish I have in there are suitable to be with puffers. Aren't pufferfish saltwater?
I squish the limpet snails in my tank and feed them to my danios and tetras. They came in with the plants and I was really peeved when they started to show up. But I have now accpeted them as part of the whole community, its just the ones on the glass that unfortunately I like to squish as they look unsightly.

Perhaps you could squish some of yours and treat your fish. :D
Tetras eat snails? What types of tetras?

I just hate them, because I generally hate bugs and creepy crawlies. Of any sort. And that goes for fish tanks too! But I really am tempted to feed them to the clown loaches in the other tank...
My pristella tetras and danios can't resist a squished snail. :D
Hmmm... I really might feed them to the loaches. I just wish I knew how to get rid of them all once and for all.
Well if you do I'd crush them first so that you don't run the risk of them mutiplying in other tanks. I sound like a snail murderer. :( I'm a big fan too. :/
Hmm good idea. That's why I hadn't fed them to the loaches yet: didn't want them multiplying in there! It would suck to have to clean THAT filter! =P
I would be cautious introducing snails to your other tanks, even as food. If you are going to put them in another tank, kill them first, squish them so you don't have another infestation!

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