I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned Ghost Shrimp. I have ghost shrimp in my tank and have witnessed first-hand they will sift through detritus, eat algae [mostly off plants and decor] and leftover prepared foods. I even have a few which race to the surface to grab floating foods and sinker pellets before they sink.
Ghost shrimp will breed in freshwater, but since they're mostly clear even hundreds in a small tank are not unsightly. The price of ghost shrimp vary and cost almost $0.50 each around here (ridiculous, IMO), so I've found I can cash in a dozen or so on a trade every once-in-a-while at the LFS.
Ghost shrimp will breed in freshwater, but since they're mostly clear even hundreds in a small tank are not unsightly. The price of ghost shrimp vary and cost almost $0.50 each around here (ridiculous, IMO), so I've found I can cash in a dozen or so on a trade every once-in-a-while at the LFS.