Snails And Shrimp

I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned Ghost Shrimp.  I have ghost shrimp in my tank and have witnessed first-hand they will sift through detritus, eat algae [mostly off plants and decor] and leftover prepared foods.  I even have a few which race to the surface to grab floating foods and sinker pellets before they sink.
Ghost shrimp will breed in freshwater, but since they're mostly clear even hundreds in a small tank are not unsightly.  The price of ghost shrimp vary and cost almost $0.50 each around here (ridiculous, IMO), so I've found I can cash in a dozen or so on a trade every once-in-a-while at the LFS.
Why not go for nerite? 5 for £5.50
That's for zebra nerite. Not too big and eat algea like there's no tomorrow and won't breed.
Forgot to ask will snails and shrimp eat eggs of fish as I have a breeding pair of kribensis in one tank and don't want the snails or shrimp to eat their eggs from tom
Seal36 said:
Forgot to ask will snails and shrimp eat eggs of fish as I have a breeding pair of kribensis in one tank and don't want the snails or shrimp to eat their eggs from tom
Most shrimp are unsafe with kribs. So are most snails. Nerites could work. So could amano shrimp. Just as long as there is a cave for the kribs to breed in they wont disturb them
You can have some of my asssassin snails for free but you'd have to come and collect them yourself as I won't post live snails until about May/June.  (PM me if you are interested, I live in Surrey).
Assassin snails will eat eggs.
Surrey would be to far for me to go and also I don't want to put snails in that will eat my kribensis eggs as I have been trying to breed them for almost year now.

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