

Fish Crazy
May 22, 2003
Reaction score
Vermont, US (yes, it's a state)
I wanted to get a snail for my 46 gallon, but didn't want to add them if they were going to get eaten or eat something in my tank. My signature says what I currently have in my tank. Would snails actually eat a fish? I have never had them, so I have no clue. I just wanted one or two and I do not want any breeding going on, which leads me to my last question. Would two different breeds of snail mate with each other. I was thinking if I got 2 snails, I would get 2 different kinds.
I would go with an apple snail. they are way cool and can get to places that you never knew

Agreed, we have an apple snail called Gary and he is very cool, also apple snails are male and female sexes, that way if you have one it isnt going to lay eggs all over the place and overtake the tank, but even if you had a male and female and she laid eggs they are easy to find and take out (usually lay them above the water line) Im not sure about things eating it, we keep ours with harlequin rasboras and black neons, so it has no threats, but Im pretty sure they dont eat fish themselves..
Ours has come to the surface on occasions of feeding times and creates a funnel with its mouth and sucks in the flake food on the surface.
very interesting snails.
check out apple snails
all the info you need about them is right there :D


Hi subopposite! :)

Snails are good; they are an interesting addition to the tank because they add a little variety. I've never known of one to eat a live fish, but they will eat them once they are dead.

They will also eat plants. I've had a mystery snail that had to be removed from a planted tank because he would settle down in the center of the plant and start munching away until he got to the roots. Then he would go to the next one and do the same. That was a rather expensive diet. :D
True apple snails will not eat plants - I have several in one tank and they've never touched a plant. The wild type snails I used to have (until I introduced chain loaches) ate plants all the time. However, a lot of plants look very similar to apple or mystery snails so you have to be careful.

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