Snail Tried To Dismember My Frog!

Glad to hear your frog is doing better :good: that's a trapdoor snail you've got there, I guess they're not called Trapdoor snails for nothing! I'd keep them separate from now on though just to be on the safe side :)
yea I took the other two I had to an LFS store....

it is just one of those experiences that you really can't believe!
Gosh, that is awful! looks like it's quite sore where he was probably twisting and turning trying to get free and the shell/door were cutting in to him.

I have no idea what kind of meds you would give frogs (is it the same as for fish?) but he might need some sort of anti-bacterial to stop infection (especially if it's an open wound with swelling). Does your LFS know much about frog medications?

Hope he'll regain use of his arm once it's healed up.

Regards - Athena
Is it possible to take him to the vets.
As he need antibiotics if there fluid in his arm.
Also he might need his arm removing. The vets will know better than us.

Is the lump filled with fluid?
I am trying to find an amphibian vet around to ask questions too - - I have also asked on my frog forum and they said it is possibly a break which will heal on its own...might not recover 100% of the motion but I guess frog limbs generally take care of themselves.

there is no broken skin, mostly bruising and a little swelling. I am able to gently touch it with out him seeming to mind now...
This is why I don't keep snails. Cannibals... :lol:

I think he'll be fine, from the looks of it.
His arm is much better...the coloration is nearly normal but he still has limited use of it. As long as his pain eventually goes away that's what is most important.
His arm is much better...the coloration is nearly normal but he still has limited use of it. As long as his pain eventually goes away that's what is most important.

is it right that they can regrow limbs
like i read in that link ??
From what I have read and seen....they do not regenerate limbs..I have seen frogs with hands/fingers bitten off and the skin just heals over.

Plus Louie's arm wasn't seems its either broken or has nerve damage
Bless him.
Glad there some signs of improvement.

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